The possibility of African Freedom

The possibility of African Freedom

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The possibility of African Freedom

Colonialization is a destructive process that leads to the division of the world into two the colonialists and the colonized. The colonialists were evoked by the desire of superiority as well as establishing sources of raw materials for their industries and market for the industrial products. The decolonization process regarded the act of the colonized to be united both physically and psychologically in fighting back the colonizers. The cohesion between the urban militants and the rural peasants could lastly lead to successful liberation process where the local people stop allowing the foreigners to think for them as well as fighting for their right to initiative, the power to personality. In their work, authors Kane, Fanon and Cesaire significantly depicts the possibility of African freedom through the process of liberation as well as the union of the nationalist militants and the peasant masses. The illumination of African decolonization is discussed into a profound extent with regards to the advocacy of Kane, Fanon and Cesaire understandings in their prominent work.

The overall perceptions of Kane, Fanon and Cesaire postulates that there exists a significant relationship between liberation as well as unity and the act of the local African people not allowing the Europeans think for them and take away their right to personality. During the colonization period, the Africans underwent severe torture from their white colonizers who had deprived their fundamental rights when it comes to political administration, association and the ownership of property. Majority of the local empires and other movements resisted the colonialization action but in many instances overpowered by the whites who were adequately armed. The local people also participated in enhancing colonialization success as they failed to unite and talk with the same language where all the people could understand the meaning of liberation as well as the interpretation of an independent nation.

According to Frantz Fanon in his work “The Wretched of the Earth,” he profoundly depicts how decolonization can be enhanced in Africa. Throughout the text, Fanon discusses a wide variety of topics where the colonized fight back to overthrow the colonizers and how the African nations who attain independence organize their culture and country in a different way curbing the effects of colonialism to the psychology of the native civilians who underwent the harsh treatment and anxiety. Fanon emphasis that the significant effective way of overpowering the whites is through the cohesion of the urban revolutionaries and the rural people who see the importance of liberation (Fanon, 2007). The first technique that the colonialists apply to enhance their success in ruling the colonized countries is through the use of violence. The fact that the nations become a divide between the colonized and the colonialists made the European superpowers to initiate military and soldiers who could significantly ensure that the locals follow the rules and regulations. They did it in a violent way that the indigenous rights were not put into consideration.

Also, in many places in the African nations, the indigenous people were subjected to forced labor where they worked on the colonialist’s farms under low wages and unfavorable conditions. The Europeans would also exploit the resources of the colonized nations for their industrial use and economic empowerment. Fanon postulates that the indigenous people had the power of overthrowing the colonial government but their fear and lack of corporation acted as the colossal hindrance towards the liberation process. In many instances, people in the colonized nation to not corporate where some resists and others collaborate with the colonialists. The collaborators who were in many cases lured by gifts and given a post in the local government administration helped the colonialists to overpower their indigenous resistant colleagues. The most prominent challenge in uniting the colonized people emerged to be the effectiveness of convincing all of them about the degrading effects of the colonial rule to the colonized nation as their minds have been toxified with the white ways and promised great things that could not be accomplished at any instance.

With regards to Fanon’s work both the colonized and colonialists had developed psychological disorders. The colonized at all the times question the act of being depicted as inhumane and evil as if they do not deserve the right to life as their fellow white seniors ending up suffering depression among other distress related complications. On the other hand, the colonialists who lived in the colonial lands were subjected to violence and attack from the indigenous people significantly subjecting them to trauma that at the end lead to mental disorders. It depicts that the colonialists were affected considerably by local Africans togetherness and it was an efficient way of eradicating their power in the affected nations. After liberation, Fanon depicts that the African countries will have the independence and ability to have the governments that would significantly put into consideration their right to initiative and personality as well as the start thinking for themselves. The statement “not allowing them to think for us” postulates that after independence the local people will have the freedom to own property and develop their constitution that will be considerate of their social-economic and political stability.

In the “Ambiguous Adventure” by Cheikh Hamidou Kane, he uses the story of Samba Diallo to depict the African way of living during the colonial period. Throughout the book, Kane traces the education line of Danilo from the traditional Islamic practice to the act of reciting Koran in Senegal and the next advancement of education to study philosophy in Paris (Kane, 1963). The entire nation has been colonized by France where their cultural beliefs and activities have been diluted by the colonialists making them adopt the foreigners’ education strategy. In Senegal, he is taught Koran by his old teacher Thierno who fails to advise the chief towards the action of allowing children to get advanced studies in France. The Diallobe community faces a lot of challenges in determining the way to follow regarding their liberation and whether to adhere to the French culture and ways of doing things. The “Most Royal Lady” advice the chief to allow the bright and intelligent students to go to France and their disciplines of interest as the world has changed and their culture has been significantly interfered with.

The act of Danilo moving from his country to go and get advanced education in Paris suggests that the colonized people have been toxified by the white ways of living. Thus the urge of following their education curriculum so that the young people be shaped and taught how to do things and think like the white colonialists. The white culture was seen superior and better than the traditional customs indigenous Senegal community hence the desire of their children getting educated from abroad. In his story, it is clear that Kane depicts that liberation is the most effective way of avoiding the colonialists think for Africans as well as depriving their personality right.

Furthermore, Aime Cesaire’s “Letter to Maurice Thorez” also supports the act of liberation being the most significant way of Negros getting their civil rights and freedoms to develop their nation by the colonialist freely. Cesaire suggests that it is essential to join hands with the advocates who have truth and justice in their mentality to help the blacks struggle for their independence today and in the coming future (Kemedjio & Mitsch, 2010). Also, Cesaire depicts that a time is coming when the colonized will not allow anyone else to think for them and will also not allow themselves to be underprivileged the right of initiative which can be significantly referred as the right to personality. According to him, all is possible through collective power where the people aware of what it means to be colonized as well as its disadvantageous effects have to join hands with the blacks through educating them and helping them to fight for their rights and independence.

From the above discussion, it is true that the process of liberation, as well as the union of urban militants and the local peasants, are significant in not allowing the colonialists think for colonized nations and also the blacks have the right to resourcefulness. In understanding freedom to personality, it was vital in enabling the colonized people to attain the independence to allow them to use their skills to utilize the available resources effectively. After achieving freedom, the new governments have the right to rule their people as well as enhancing their civil rights which at the results of social-economic and political stability in the nations.


Fanon, F. (2007). The wretched of the earth. Grove/Atlantic, Inc..Kane, H. (1963). Ambiguous Adventure [by] Cheikh Hamidou Kane: Translated from the French by Katherine Woods. Heinemann.Kemedjio, C., & Mitsch, R. H. (2010). Aimé Césaire’s Letter to Maurice Thorez: The Practice of Decolonization. Research in African Literatures, 41(1), 87-108.