The possible reasons

The possible reasons for the gender disparity in rates of eating disorders are not well understood, but there are several potential explanations. Among others, a gender disparity in rates of eating disorders may result from biological differences in the way women and men cope with stress, which becomes exacerbated by cultural or social factors such as a greater pressure on women to control their weight. Due to this high level of pressure for females to bear up physically and not be labeled as “fat,” some researchers argue that these societal pressures cross-sex the physical effects of eating disorders and contribute to their higher prevalence rate among women than men. Additionally, women’s experiences and concerns with their bodies may be more complex than men’s, resulting in differing associations with weight, body image and eating disorders. Therefore, the breadth of experience that women and men may have with eating disorders differs.

In relation to the social dilemmas faced by women in the United States, a gender disparity in rates of eating disorders is not surprising. Women are more often victims of abuse and sexual assault than male victims. Additionally, women are more likely to be poor or have low levels of education and income that contribute to issues such as poverty-induced stress. These stressors can exacerbate existing mood disorders or complicate their treatment.

Researchers have expressed concern about a gender disparity in rates of eating disorders. This concern stems from a large body of research indicating that women may be more likely than men to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as disordered eating, substance abuse and sexual promiscuity. This can result in gender differences in the treatment of eating disorders, including the type of treatment received, the length of time and resources devoted to treatment, and other aspects.

The main reason for relationship between immigration to the United States and obesity is the lack of exercise. In the United States, many immigrants are obese because they are not used to exercising in their home countries for health reasons. When people immigrate to the United States, they sometimes don’t make time for a healthy lifestyle and forget about eating healthy as well. So when these immigrants start picking up unhealthy habits, it causes them to become obese, which furthers their need for exercise. Immigration seems to have a significant effect on obesity, as most immigrants come to the United States with lifestyles that are unhealthy. Obesity leads to immigration because there is a lack of exercise, so people become obese and are less likely to exercise when they immigrate; therefore, making them more likely to get fat and become obese if they remain in America. In conclusion, immigration can cause obesity because it leads people into unhealthy lifestyles for health reasons which causes them to become obese. In conclusion, immigration leads to obesity and obesity leads to immigration.

ReferenceDurand, V. M., & Barlow, D. H. (2015). Essentials of abnormal psychology. Cengage Learning.