Colonialism, liberty, and imperialism are among the essential components





Imperialism, Colonialism, and Liberty

Colonialism, liberty, and imperialism are among the essential components of the world’s history as it influenced many nations during the late 19th century and early 20th century. At this period they were the forces at work where the American Imperialism was significantly felt as well as many African nations experiencing direct colonization from the European superpowers. At this era, slavery has been abolished in Great Britain and its powers following the influence of the Anglican Low Church around the mid19th century. Therefore, the superpowers were in a rush to acquire many colonies as a measure of getting market to their industrial products, exploitation of raw materials for the advancing industries as well as maintaining their national superiority. Regarding their advantage, the Europeans superpowers were faced by some opposition from the inferior nations which lead to the emergence of the resistance movements. The imperialism and colonization also met China by the British which significantly led to the beginning of the Opium wars as the local rulers opposed the colonial rule and domination. In this discussion, the critical analysis of imperialism, colonialism, and liberty is elaborated in a profound extend in comparison of their effects in South and Central America, Africa, and China.

In understanding the meaning of imperialism, it is state of the superpowers having an economic, cultural and military influence on the other nations in the world. The late nineteenth century is significantly referred as the Age of Imperialism as it is the time that many word’s superpowers expanded their territorial possessions the United States of America is among them. The primary motivating notions towards imperialism were obtaining natural resources, wealth accumulation, subduing their enemies as well as winning power and glory. The motives were similar among all the European controls, and it is during this time they spread their territories across the borders. The combination of centralized governments, industrialized economies and sea powers made the European nations capable of setting empires all across the world. Their production determined the primary drive of was getting raw materials for their industries as the good they exchanged. In comparing our nations of interest in this discussion, the South and Central America were different from Africa and China as they acquired liberty at this period and they were part of the nations the enhanced imperialism to other countries.

In Africa and China in the early twentieth century were subjected towards imperialism as the European superpowers exploited large industrial products from the natural resources available. They were made market spheres where the European nations could take their finished industrial products in exchange for other goods adverse in their motherland. The different types of imperialism evident during this period include economic, colonial, social-cultural and political hegemony. Colonial imperialism involves the colonial powers having complete control of the region with domination of the social-cultural, economic and political sectors. Africa is an excellent example of the nations that experience this kind of imperialism where the conquered area had no independence and lived for the beneficiary of the imperialists. Economic hegemony is the kind of rule where the subjugated had the freedom to run their government, but the imperialist had complete control of the businesses and other trading activities. The imperialist had significantly prohibited the rights of their subjects to trade with other nations, and the imperialist companies have the power of exploiting the natural resources. China is an excellent example of the country that experienced this kind of imperialism especially when it came to Opium trading.

Furthermore, political imperialism involved the conquered nation having a government with the local leaders on the top positions, but they ruled according to the imperialist country’s ways. The local government was at sometimes wholly overpowered as it was the case with the Qing China at the late ruling and at some nations temporal as it was evident in the Dominican Republic that was under United States imperialism. Finally, social-cultural hegemony involved the dominant countries intentionally trying to change the religious beliefs, traditional customs, and languages in the conquered lands. For instance, in Africa, the British ensured that English was taught in school and the western cultures were put place. The imperialist nations significantly assumed that their perceptions were superior and they at instance bring developments in the society. The imperialism in Africa and China significantly lead to the development even though the Imperialists were the ones who much benefited.

In the nineteenth century, the America imperialism significantly developed as a result of the American exceptionalism that suggested that the United States imperialism was unique from other superpowers in that it had the mission of spreading liberty and democracy to the inferior nations all over the world. The American imperialism significantly refers to the cultural, economic and military effect of the United States to other countries in the World. During this period, industrialization had adequately developed in America, and the people involved in business sector had a diversification aim of establishing a market in other nations across the borders. Furthermore, the social Darwinism spreading in land that led to the belief that America had the inherent responsibility of bringing impressions regarding Christianity, democracy, and industrialization to the developing societies in the world. This concepts among other notions towards getting the market to sell their product and acquire sources of raw materials for their industries made American nations get motivated towards imperialism.

Among the nations that America exerted the social, political and economic control during the age imperialism include Cuba, Philippines, Korea, Japan, and Austria. Among the most separate instances of American imperialism during this era was the seizure of Hawaii during the year 1898. It effectively allowed the United States to own and be in power of all ports, military equipment, buildings, public property and harbors that was legally owned by the Hawaiian Islands government. The imperialism of America was significantly faced by the opposition in 1898 by the American Anti-Imperialist League that was established in the United States. The debate was against the Americans imperialism as they believed that it was the primary factor that led to the start of the Spanish-American war as well as violating the doctrine of republicanism. They were not against the expansion of the American territories to other nations, the spread of Christianity, commercial development as well as other actions on the humanitarian ground. Therefore it is distinct that during the late nineteenth century the South and Central America were a step ahead of Africa and China as they had the liberty and struggled to diversify their territories to other nations through imperialism.

Looking China into an in-depth extent as a nation during the turn towards the twentieth century, it was among the countries that struggle to curb imperialism and colonialism among its territories. The Europeans have weakened the Qing dynasty to the extent that economic and political hegemony was apparently evident in the region. The British had been fighting for the legalization of the Opium trade in the nation with considerable opposition from the government. However, the Chinese government was forced into agreements during the Opium wars that significantly granted the British power to conducted business into other local parts of the country apart from Canton port where their empire was based (Hevia, 2003), 174-179. The first Opium War was held between China, Britain, and France. The Chines government had taken action against Britain Opium commerce where they captured their ship, lowered the Britain flag and restrained the Chinese squad members who were later released. The act stimulated Britain’s acted of bombarding the Canton port and other territories in China as a way of avenging. The French supported Britain into the claim that their missionary had been intentionally killed in China.

The second Opium War started after the act of Chinese government demanding to prosecute the Britain people who had killed a Chinese at the Canton Port. The British government protected its citizens from being punished by the Chinese government and significantly sent its military to deal with the allies. To curb the wars China was forced to sign treaties that significantly offered the Britain rights towards commerce in the country, allowed Christianity missionaries and the Europeans were added other territories in Hong Kong as well as give the right to trade into the local regions. From there, Britain freely sells Opium among other products with Chinese, and the local people were adequately addicted to the drug leading to cultural and economic degradation. Also, the Qing dynasty was significantly weakened by the Taiping rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan, which was based on fighting for women equal rights and was made of the peasant farmers among other people who were against the charismatic rule. The European took advantage of the china’s sphere separation hence their capacity to dominate the region economically. Comparing the imperialism in China and Africa was to some extent different as in Africa the European portrayed colonial imperialism while in China they majored in economic hegemony.

In consideration of the above discussion, during the late nineteenth century, these nations had different impacts regarding colonization, liberty, and imperialism where the American countries gained freedom while most of the African nations were significantly colonized and faced by European nations’ imperialism. China was subjected to imperialism by the British government as well as the marginalization of its government ruling. Apart from the America getting liberation it significantly spread its unique imperialism to other nations in the world which were a democracy and industrial base. The United States emerged as the new superpower in the world during the late nineteenth century and significantly gained territorial expansion. On the other hand, even after the end of slavery the Africa nation and China continued to undergo through the superpowers’ suppression through colonization and imperialism. The scramble and partition of Africa led to their loss of independence through colonialization as well as overexploitation the natural resources, but it significantly led to industrialization and technology advancement in the nation. The turn towards the twentieth century is essential to the history of the word and will be vital in the education sector to the present and future generation. Additionally, it plays a vital role in understanding the nations’ diversity during this period as well as the civilization of America, China, and Africa.


Hevia, J. L. (2003). English Lessons. The Pedagogy of Imperialism in Nineteenth Century China, 174-79.

Colonies of British North America


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How Slavery was entrenched in the Colonies of British North America.


In the 18th century, Slavery was a cornerstone of the British Empire. Indirectly or directly, all the 13 British colonies relied on Slavery, from the southern rice plantations located in South Caroline, Charles Town, to the wharves in Boston. Slavery had become more of a labor system that affected all aspects of colonial culture and thought. The unequal relationship it engendered gave colonialists an exaggerated sense of status. Slavery gave English liberty greater coherence and meaning for white people after comparing themselves to the unfree enslaved Black people held captive in British America. More particularly, African Slavery gave white people a shared racial identity and bond. This essay explains how Slavery became entrenched in colonies of British North America.

How African Slavery in British Northern America All Began

In the 1620s, white indentured servants carried out the majority of the heavy labor. At the time, labor-intensive tobacco cultivation was introduced in Virginia for European markets. Indentured servant refers to a European immigrant, mostly British who worked for another person for a specified time without payment in exchange for free entry into a new country. The first case of African Slavery to be documented in British North America was approximately 20 women and men that arrived in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619 (Horne, 34). The group were likely captives from the Ndongo kingdom in present-day Angola. Privateers seized them from a slave ship headed for Mexico before trading them in Virginia. Along with indentured servants, African slaves worked on tobacco fields, although it remains unclear if the former were treated and considered slaves. By 1675, African Slavery had become a well-established practice. By 1700, slaves had completely replaced indentured servants. With lots of lands and available slave trade, southern planters started to prosper and family-owned tobacco plantations became an economic and social norm.

Rising Demand for Slave Trade

In theory, Slavery was already a widely accepted practice before the discovery and exploration of the New World. So, when Portuguese slave traders began exploring the African coast, the practice of indigenous tribes enslaving each other was already being practiced. They started buying slaves and exporting them for sale to the colonies of the New World. Proponents of Slavery argued that the Portuguese had a mission to convert as many heathens (African non-Christians) to Christianity. African Slavery gave them an opportunity to do that more effectively. Although the practice of indentured servitude was rife, British colonies favored enslaved Africans. In addition to their husbandry knowledge and special skills, Africans were appropriate for British use. Slavery quickly became a significant part of the colonial economy. It was integral in the development of the expansion of the British commercial empire across the Atlantic world.

Golden Triangle Trade

The triangle trade is a system of exchange of cash crops, slaves, and manufactured goods between the Caribbean, West Africa, and Europe between the late 16rh and early 19th centuries. The trading system specialized in three main commodity types, including crops, manufactured goods, and labor that were traded across three key Atlantic geographic regions. Ships left Europe with manufactured goods that were exchanged for kidnapped or purchased African slaves (Gordon-Reed, 2). The Africans were carried across the Atlantic Ocean before being traded or sold in America for raw materials. Subsequently, raw materials were carried back to Europe to complete the voyage. A classic example of the triangle trade is the sugar trade. Sugar was often in liquid form, molasses. It used to be carried across the Caribbean to Europe, where it would be distilled into rum. The profits made from selling sugar were used to buy manufactured goods that were supplied to West Africa where they were exchanged for slaves. The slaves would then be taken to the Caribbean and sold to sugar farmers. The profits from selling African slaves were used to purchase more sugar across Europe and other continents. This specific triangular trip lasted anywhere from 5-12 weeks and ended in numerous fatalities for African slaves while the voyage was midway. An estimated 2 million enslaved passengers died from abuse, violence, disease, suicide, or even lack of food and water.

Slave Resistance

It reached a point where slaves everywhere resisted exploitation and tried taking their freedom back using rebellions and uprisings. Some examples are the New York Slave Rebellion of 1741 and the Stono Rebellion. They also employed other less violent resistance means such as running away, slow labor in the plantations, sabotage. Unlike their Caribbean counterparts, American slaves did not successfully overthrow the practice in their colonies. As such, they did not get freedom until a legislative decree was effected after the end of the civil war.


In closing, Slavery was a common practice in the 13 colonies in British North America. African Slavery became widespread after the decline of the indentured servitude labor system, where people exchanged labor for free passage into America. The rising demand for African slaves led the first group of African slaves in British North America to work alongside indentured servants in tobacco farms in Virginia. The British people preferred African slaves to indentured servants because of their skills and husbandry knowledge.

Works Cited

Gordon-Reed, Annette. “America’s original sin: Slavery and the legacy of white supremacy.” Foreign Aff. 97 (2018): 2.

Horne, Gerald. The apocalypse of settler colonialism: The roots of Slavery, white supremacy, and capitalism in 17th century North America and the Caribbean. NYU Press, 2018.

Colonists Justification on Slavery

Colonists Justification on Slavery




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Colonists Justification on Slavery

Historical findings from chapters 5, 6, and 7 of the book reveal how colonists defended slavery. Most people justified slavery based on arguments that they found reasonable to them; however, the vast majority of the people agree beyond a reasonable doubt that is inhumane, degrading, and, more importantly, is wrong. None of the slavery justification would make sense in today’s world, but some of the arguments for holding slaves were entirely reasonable at various times in history. The colonist justified keeping slaves when they were fighting for the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They viewed slaves as a different kind of people whose destiny was to become slaves, which can also be attributed to racism. In the views of slaves, it was an act of dishonesty that colonists were busy trying to build a great nation at the expense of other minority races. Every human being has the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, but that seemed something far-fetched as “slaves” were suppressed to suffering in the hands of their masters. The colonists could not cease their enslavement acts and offered some justification for their continued slavery. Several arguments were put forward by the colonialists to try and justify slavery. This paper critically analyzes how colonists justified keeping slaves when they were fighting for the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The 18th century witnessed the growth of slavery in the United States colonies from South Carolina to Boston. Revolts against slavery by white colonists caused gross overreaction and severely inflicted constraints on enslaved people’s activities. In the 18th century, slavery created a cornerstone of the colonist empire. Arguably, all the colonies had enslaved individuals who formed a large part of the colonist labor force. Slavery was not just a labor system but also integral in all aspects of colonial thought and culture. The engendered feeling that came from the uneven relationship between the white colonist and the “slaves” gave rise to an exaggerated sense of white superiority. White people tried to contrast their status with black slaves, and English liberty was somewhat meaningful. The existing racial bond and identity were defined by African slavery. Slavery acts helped the merchants to line their pockets, while the trafficked individuals (Africans) suffered a great deal of misery, deprivation, and dislocation. Colonists saw slavery as vitally important for “slaves” since they could not spearhead their lives. It was much better and happier for the “slaves” to be in a system where their lives were controlled by others (colonists).

Religion was an important aspect of the life of colonists. Christianity enabled them to embrace living a good life. However, their acts of slavery contradicted with their faith. Regardless of the sermons and spiritual teaching, colonialists still carried out slavery. Their consciousness allowed them to inflict harsh punishment on their slaves, yet they proclaimed to have a deep spiritual life. They believed that it was ethical to keep saves because they viewed the slaves as inferior beings. They justified their actions by blaming all evil on the devil. The justification of their colonial conquest held that the colonists had legal and religious duties to impose their authority over the land and culture of the “slaves.” Colonists defended their acts by stating their role as civilizing the barbaric or savage cultures and further emphasized that they acted in the best interests of the slaves they exploited.

The colonist ventured into activities that would, in turn, benefit the society as a whole. They invested in infrastructure, trade, disseminated medical, technology, and all those ventures required labor force. In the colonist view, slaves were well-equipped to execute such tasks. Perhaps, by nature, some individuals are slaves as part of God’s plan, and it was somewhat appalling to abolish slavery. The colonial government insisted that the slaves came to America to achieve the “American Dream” and escape things like poverty, diseases, war, among other horrible things and the colonial life was way far too better and perhaps offered great and new opportunities to “slaves.” Colonists saw “slaves” as inferior beings; thus, slavery is not cruel and degrading.

Slaves were not regarded as fully humans. Their pain was as morally essential as domestic animals; hence, ending slavery was not justifiable and had no right to abolish slavery. Some individuals further held that “slaves” are inferior to humans and ought to be enslaved. Such arguments orchestrated racism as the acts were subject to specific races, such as African descent people. Those who defended the Atlantic slave trade insisted that some ethnic cultures deserved enslavement and were the proper place for such races. That would be a completely misguided view in the current world, but the 18th-century colonist used such arguments to justify enslaving particular racial groups.

To conclude, colonists inflicted different kinds of punishment on slaves and still believed they were doing the right thing. They viewed slaves as dumb individuals. For the colonialists, slavery was a form of instilling character in the slaves. According to chapter 5, slaves were given fewer choices as compared to the colonists. The chapter focuses on the different choices that were made available to immigrants and slaves. The negroes, as defined in the chapter, are unknowledgeable and superstitious and were mostly traded from guinea. Slaves were forced to carry out responsibilities that made the life of colonists better. The slaves’ suffering was considered to be for the greater good as they were degraded for the pursuit of happiness for their owners.

Colony Collapse Disorder

Colony Collapse Disorder






During the winter the winter period of the year 2006-2007, a number of beekeepers began to account for unusually high losses of bees in their hives. half of all the affected colonies established symptoms conflicting with any previously known causes of bee death: unexpected disappearance of a colony’s worker bee numbers with limited number of dead bees found in and around the colony.

The mother queen and the brood were left; the colonies had fairly plentiful honey and pollen stocks. However the queen and brood cannot maintain themselves without the worker bees and they would die at the end. This permutation of events resulted in the loss of thousands of bee colonies that is now called the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). No concrete reason has ever been given to explain as to what really caused the CCD, various factors have been put forward to try and explain the causes (Benjamin & McCallum 2009).

One being malnutrition, bees living in the wild had the option of feeding from different types of plants. Bees kept by farmers fed on a few plants nectar or a single crop and in the end suffered nutritional deficiencies which affected their immune. Disappearance of any insect can be associated with pesticides use and the in the case of the CCD it could not be ruled out. Beekeepers were mainly concerned about a probable link between the disappearance of bee and pesticides containing nicotine. Imidacloprid was one such insecticide, known to make insects display symptoms similar to CCD. The insecticide, in other terms, exposed the bees to plague, and in that increasing the possibility of the bees dying early.

A pesticide known as imidacloprid had some effects on bees, visible damage. Because all the affected colonies had large quantities of parasites and pathogens compared to the other colonies and the researchers speculated in particular if it might have weakened the immune system of the insects. To find out the truth, the researchers gave 20 different hives food rich in protein which is usually given to developing larvae that was laced with imidacloprid. In ten of the cases the dosage was five parts per billion (ppb); in the remaining ten it was 20 ppb. Earlier experiments showed that the dosage was not harmful to bees. Another ten were fed on food laced with nothing at all. The young bees appeared a few days later. A doctor Pettis took them and gave them some fungal parasite for twelve days before killing them to find out the extent of the infestation. All the groups that came into contact with the imidacloprid contained an estimate of about 700,000 parasite spores in every bee (Rotner & Woodhull 2010).

Bees that were from the controlled colonies contained far much fewer spores in their bodies about 200,000. Whether this was the reason behind the collapse of the colonies that is still to be determined although it is still a theory, and is a topic to keep the beekeepers occupied. Another cause was the genetically modified crops. Pollen from genetically modified crops especially from corn distorted to produce a toxin. It was found out that not all bees that were foraging for nectar in areas with the genetically modified plants were affected; however there was still a link between the CCD and the pesticide.

Bee migration was another reason given for the disappearance of bees. Most of the commercial bee keepers rented hives to farmers, hives were driven over long distances at the back of tractors which affected the bees orientation to the hives, and being moved every now and then stressed the bees. Shortage of hereditary Biodiversity was another cause linked to the CCD. Almost all of the queen bees in the whole of the United States, and consequently all of the honey bees come from one the many breeder queens. The narrow options may have reduced the quality of bees used for breeding, and were more prone to diseases and pests (Benjamin & McCallum 2009).

Beekeeping methods used by the farmers could have affected the bees, what the bees were fed on, application of chemicals, and all other practices done to the bees could have led to the CCD. Although some of the practices have been used for a very long time they could have contributed majorly to the CCD. Some of the parasites and like the foulbrood and also tracheal mites could not have caused the CCD on their own, but some deduced they make the bee more prone to it. Beekeepers are afraid of varroa mites, as they pass on viruses and the chemicals used to control the mites affects the bees health. Bees affected were found to have traces of a pathogen. And the common thing that the collapsed colonies had in common was, they all had huge loads of parasites and also pathogens.

Disease was another reason that led to CCD. One category of diseases that was found to be present in all the cases was a virus called the invertebrate iridescent. A major connection was discovered between Nosema and the falling colonies, but the presence of Nosema really forecasted a collapse. Exposure of bees to the toxins in the environment was another cause, and some think chemicals were responsible for the CCD. Water can be used to manage insects and chemicals. Bees looking for nectar might have come into contact with chemical either from the homes or the industries (Rotner & Woodhull 2010).

An extensively reported cause is the use of cell phones, which was widely disputed by some scientists who looked into the relationship between the bees and electromagnetic fields, and found no evidence of the electromagnetic field interfering with the bees in any way. Change in climate was another reason given for the CCD. Unpredictable weather patterns which led to floods and droughts which in turn affected the flowering of plants with some plants not flowering at all or flowering early than the bees could fly, thus leading to a shortage of pollen and nectar. Many beekeepers blamed the change in climate for the CCD.


A pesticide called imidacloprid had a bad effect on honeybees. One thing in common with the collapsed colonies was the higher concentration of parasites and pathogens than in the other colonies, the researchers wondered if insect weakening immune system was due to the pesticide. Whether this is actually the reason for colonies collapsing remains to be determined. But it is a plausible hypothesis, and is likely to get beekeepers buzzing with interest. Some pesticides can be harmful to bees. That is the reason why labels should be put on pesticide containers known to be harmful to bees and the more reason why everyone should read the instructions.


Benjamin, A., & McCallum, B. (2009). A world without bees. New York: Pegasus Books:

Rotner, S., Rotner, S., Woodhull, A. L., & Woodhull, A. L. (2010). The buzz on bees: why are they disappearing? New York: Holiday House.

Columbine shooting After the occurrence of the shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado

Columbine shooting

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After the occurrence of the shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado, that left 13 dead and other 20 severely injured. The intelligence service group did an investigation at the scene where the shooting occurred to gather information to find out relevant groups that may have ought to get involved in the attack (Birkland, T. A. (2004). Entirely some interviews were done with students, Harris and Klebold who were involved in the shooting were associated with the group called The Trench Coat Mafia. There was a loose group that involved close former social affiliate group of students and some of the current Columbine High school students that had no right leadership democracy, formal organization structure and can only compare to the juvenile gangs that found in the street. Though according to an investigation, this group has got no association worldwide. The Trench Coat Mafia was fascinated by Goth culture.

Trench coat mafia is a group that seems to have got no proper foundation and clear origin. It is said to have begun with a small group of members who started coming to school by putting on black trench coats. Black Trench coat was a common unique symbol that the group used to put on as a sign of membership amongst themselves. The dress code led to several nicknames for instance “outcast” that members used to call themselves and outsiders if you did not belong to the group. Most of the Trench coat members used to take part in different types of activities in school, for instance, playing Doom games, video games as well as producing videos for school projects and most members of the group harassed by the jokes from athletes. In the year 1998, a photographs book was obtained giving identification and the names of people who belong to Trench coat group, and in the following year, a photo was also produced capturing reflecting members posing pointing weapons towards the camera. The image of Klebold and Harris appeared holding guns fantasizing to be firing weapons.

Religiously organized terrorist groups have a more significant influence in the society especially to youth members that have a self-driven ideology. Their actions are personal and secret, and their self-interest hence proper explanations were needed for their cause of such kind of works, their aim and mission should bring to book. Members of the terrorist group are usually devoted and determined to the reason of the whole group. Related Religious groups such as “Trench Coat members’ terrorist groups” use religion ways protect their interest hence in this case, Harris, and Klebold did the shooting to cause revenge and to retaliate for being bullied with other students who based on different religions that were not theirs (Muschert, G. W. (2009). Land, autonomy, and Ethnic difference are frequently the main factors leading to fights amongst the affected religious manner, for instance, the case of the Palestinian – Israeli Conflict and the battle for Jammu and Kashmir (a province in Northern India) between India and Pakistan (Goldstein, 2007).

There are specific implications when individual terrorist groups and individuals are involved and viewed as prominent Eschatology, and terrorist groups come together to form a particular conviction that the end times is almost near and the conditions of violence should prevail to score reward of the holy warrior before their dignity. Most of the Eschatological see themselves as the marshals of end times, and their participation shall be greatly rewarded (Muschert, G. W. (2009). There is no negotiation involvement with the enemy because God doesn’t comprise with wicked.

It sounds so sad that the attack had higher probability chances of being prevented, but it wasn’t

Some years before the attack, the rampage sheriffs the columbine detective’s body law enforcement tried to link a website that belongs to Harris the shooter to the pipe bombs that found near his house. An affidavit was filled for warrant search to be carried out but it was not issued. Within some days shooting occurred that left 13 dead and 20 injured occurred. The report about Harris website asked, but it never brought to court. Information in the affidavit was enough to hold Harris into a count and to ask several questions, and even if the there wasn’t enough information, a search warrant was to be issued to help in the provision of enough information. However, the carelessness of the police, a search warrant was to be released to get more information to do away with suspicion of terror attacks. In today’s world, such kind of information should not assume by the police force or any relevant law enforcement authority.

Terror attack that occurred in Columbine led to a more and better rapid response category. Columbine Response has received criticization widely, but recently a lesson has been learned from their strategy, it has helped save lives of many individuals in Douglas High school in parkland and Marjory Stoneman before the Colorado shooting (Hogan, M. J. (2001). Response officers do set some secular perimeter to surround the crime scene before they could attack the suspected area. Columbine Response has led to the development of more training, police department from the sheriff’s department includes 16 hours course training that prepares responders to distract and isolate. Most of the response officers have trained on the alert programs hence this has helped to save quite some lives.

Americans have created highest priority department called Homeland security this helps in dealing with terrorist attack threats. The United States is facing severe, dangerous terrorist threat; this has enabled a state to use weapons of mass destruction. The nuclear weapons radiological, chemical and biological that has been aimed to harm a large group of people. Homeland security department works tirelessly to prevent terrorist attacks and other threats from engaging in the use of such weapons (Birkland, T. A. (2004).Critical infrastructure is also another physical and cyber system that is important in the united states to, their inability to would debilitate material impact on economic security or public and safety for citizens.

Columbine has acquired some new style of mass shootings and new tricks that both the participant in this case the public and law enforcement responded. Since the attack of Columbine, school security has changed to improve the standard of lives of citizens. Different faculty members undergo thorough training and students are also expected to prepare some attack shooter drills. The police are focused on surrounding a building before the attacking the scene to stop the shooting. Now as from 1999 columbine has never been a deadliest scene so far.


Lawrence, R. G., & Birkland, T. A. (2004). Guns, Hollywood, and school safety: Defining the school‐shooting problem across public arenas. Social Science Quarterly, 85(5), 1193-1207.

Muschert, G. W. (2009). Frame-changing in the media coverage of a school shooting: The rise of Columbine as a national concern. The Social Science Journal, 46(1), 164-170.

Stretesky, P. B., & Hogan, M. J. (2001). Columbine and student perceptions of safety: A quasi-experimental study. Journal of Criminal Justice, 29(5), 429-443.

College Essay for Application

College Essay for Application

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College Essay for Application

Two minutes left on the clock against our biggest rival at the championship, Clarkson High, but the score was still a tie, 3-3. My team kept pressing so much. Finally, our midfielder receives the ball, lifting it over Clarkston’s left midfielder. The crowd had already started cheering as our midfielder dribbled down the field. Each of our fans stood on tiptoes with their teeth clenched. Our midfielder reverse hits the ball to our right forward. Our competitor’s fans remained silent, wondering what was about to happen. Unfortunately, the ball rolled out of bounds, and a perfect goal-scoring opportunity was missed. The coaches seemed deflated. Before our defense has time to drop back, the ball is flying down the sideline, with only forty-five seconds left to play. Slotted across the 16-yard box, the ball glides out of reach for our defense. Bang-Goal! They rush to celebrate in a huddle; parents erupt in cheers. Zeros on the clock. We lost by one goal in the last moments of the match; we had lost the State Championship.

For a moment, there is a defining silence. Seconds later, the buzzer sounds, breaking the silence as the crowd erupts. Gloves, sticks, and helmets scatter the ice as our rival team jumps on the glass to celebrate their victory. Our dream had been to make it to the state tournament, but at this moment, our pride and dreams had been shattered. The loss was quite agonizing, and we could not bear it. It could be seen in my teammates’ eyes. Some of them cried uncontrollably after losing the match. However, we believed that lessons learned from this defeat would carry us underclassmen to work and try even harder the next season.

My hockey team, Detroit Country Day field hockey, had to prepare early enough for the next season. We had to endure several changes and a rough patch because some seniors were not returning the following year. Coach Geyman appointed me as the new captain in hopes of instilling a new team spirit. Our coach’s confidence in me made me believe in myself and took the position. Although it was my first time to be appointed a leader, I wanted to be a leader that left an impression on the underclassmen.

Being a first-time leader, it was not easy to deal with a team that had its pride and dreams shattered. I knew very well that the team required a patient leader with a vision and desire to succeed. However, I needed the training to become this type of leader. I enrolled in a coaching session to help me grow my leadership skills and make the best for my team. During the coaching, I learned that it is important to celebrate our efforts regardless of wins and losses, something that our team did not uphold when we lost the championship. I learned that celebrating what we have worked hard to learn is important, sometimes than the number of wins we get. Upon learning to appreciate our efforts, I stilled the same spirit in my team, and every team member seemed re-energized. Although we had not made it to the state tournament the previous season, we had improved our playing skills to higher levels. As a team, we gained appreciation of it.

Also, the coaching helped me learn much about what it takes to be a true leader. I learned that being a leader does not place a person above their teammates physically, morally, or mentally. Instead, it sets the leader as a guide to keeping the teammates on track. Therefore, as the captain, I focused more on giving my teammates directions and helping them achieve their goals. I also ensured that my teammates did not perceive me as a leader who felt superior to others. I embraced the spirit of democracy, where I considered all teammates equal, and I was always interested in listening to the views and opinions of each teammate. We would sit together as a team and devise a solution in case of any issue. Serving as a hockey team captain helped me develop my leadership skills and acquire the attributes of a great leader, which have served me incredibly well in developing teammates and other people to succeed. I hope to continue growing these skills and attributes so that I can become a better leader in the future.

Columbine shooting

Columbine shooting

Institution affiliation

Students name


After the occurrence of the shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado, that left 13 dead and other 20 severely injured. The intelligence service group did an investigation at the scene where the shooting occurred to gather information to find out relevant groups that may have ought to get involved in the attack (Birkland, T. A. (2004). Entirely some interviews were done with students, Harris and Klebold who were involved in the shooting were associated with the group called The Trench Coat Mafia. There was a loose group that involved close former social affiliate group of students and some of the current Columbine High school students that had no right leadership democracy, formal organization structure and can only compare to the juvenile gangs that found in the street. Though according to an investigation, this group has got no association worldwide. The Trench Coat Mafia was fascinated by Goth culture.

Trench coat mafia is a group that seems to have got no proper foundation and clear origin. It is said to have begun with a small group of members who started coming to school by putting on black trench coats. Black Trench coat was a common unique symbol that the group used to put on as a sign of membership amongst themselves. The dress code led to several nicknames for instance “outcast” that members used to call themselves and outsiders if you did not belong to the group. Most of the Trench coat members used to take part in different types of activities in school, for instance, playing Doom games, video games as well as producing videos for school projects and most members of the group harassed by the jokes from athletes. In the year 1998, a photographs book was obtained giving identification and the names of people who belong to Trench coat group, and in the following year, a photo was also produced capturing reflecting members posing pointing weapons towards the camera. The image of Klebold and Harris appeared holding guns fantasizing to be firing weapons.

Religiously organized terrorist groups have a more significant influence in the society especially to youth members that have a self-driven ideology. Their actions are personal and secret, and their self-interest hence proper explanations were needed for their cause of such kind of works, their aim and mission should bring to book. Members of the terrorist group are usually devoted and determined to the reason of the whole group. Related Religious groups such as “Trench Coat members’ terrorist groups” use religion ways protect their interest hence in this case, Harris, and Klebold did the shooting to cause revenge and to retaliate for being bullied with other students who based on different religions that were not theirs (Muschert, G. W. (2009). Land, autonomy, and Ethnic difference are frequently the main factors leading to fights amongst the affected religious manner, for instance, the case of the Palestinian – Israeli Conflict and the battle for Jammu and Kashmir (a province in Northern India) between India and Pakistan (Goldstein, 2007).

There are specific implications when individual terrorist groups and individuals are involved and viewed as prominent Eschatology, and terrorist groups come together to form a particular conviction that the end times is almost near and the conditions of violence should prevail to score reward of the holy warrior before their dignity. Most of the Eschatological see themselves as the marshals of end times, and their participation shall be greatly rewarded (Muschert, G. W. (2009). There is no negotiation involvement with the enemy because God doesn’t comprise with wicked.

It sounds so sad that the attack had higher probability chances of being prevented, but it wasn’t

Some years before the attack, the rampage sheriffs the columbine detective’s body law enforcement tried to link a website that belongs to Harris the shooter to the pipe bombs that found near his house. An affidavit was filled for warrant search to be carried out but it was not issued. Within some days shooting occurred that left 13 dead and 20 injured occurred. The report about Harris website asked, but it never brought to court. Information in the affidavit was enough to hold Harris into a count and to ask several questions, and even if the there wasn’t enough information, a search warrant was to be issued to help in the provision of enough information. However, the carelessness of the police, a search warrant was to be released to get more information to do away with suspicion of terror attacks. In today’s world, such kind of information should not assume by the police force or any relevant law enforcement authority.

Terror attack that occurred in Columbine led to a more and better rapid response category. Columbine Response has received criticization widely, but recently a lesson has been learned from their strategy, it has helped save lives of many individuals in Douglas High school in parkland and Marjory Stoneman before the Colorado shooting (Hogan, M. J. (2001). Response officers do set some secular perimeter to surround the crime scene before they could attack the suspected area. Columbine Response has led to the development of more training, police department from the sheriff’s department includes 16 hours course training that prepares responders to distract and isolate. Most of the response officers have trained on the alert programs hence this has helped to save quite some lives.

Americans have created highest priority department called Homeland security this helps in dealing with terrorist attack threats. The United States is facing severe, dangerous terrorist threat; this has enabled a state to use weapons of mass destruction. The nuclear weapons radiological, chemical and biological that has been aimed to harm a large group of people. Homeland security department works tirelessly to prevent terrorist attacks and other threats from engaging in the use of such weapons (Birkland, T. A. (2004). Critical infrastructure is also another physical and cyber system that is important in the united states to, their inability to would debilitate material impact on economic security or public and safety for citizens.

Columbine has acquired some new style of mass shootings and new tricks that both the participant in this case the public and law enforcement responded. Since the attack of Columbine, school security has changed to improve the standard of lives of citizens. Different faculty members undergo thorough training and students are also expected to prepare some attack shooter drills. The police are focused on surrounding a building before the attacking the scene to stop the shooting. Now as from 1999 columbine has never been a deadliest scene so far.


Lawrence, R. G., & Birkland, T. A. (2004). Guns, Hollywood, and school safety: Defining the school‐shooting problem across public arenas. Social Science Quarterly, 85(5), 1193-1207.

Muschert, G. W. (2009). Frame-changing in the media coverage of a school shooting: The rise of Columbine as a national concern. The Social Science Journal, 46(1), 164-170.

Stretesky, P. B., & Hogan, M. J. (2001). Columbine and student perceptions of safety: A quasi-experimental study. Journal of Criminal Justice, 29(5), 429-443.

College is a Fraud

College is a Fraud





JULY 04, 2020

College is a Fraud

College used to be the dream for every student in the United States. However, there has been a radical shift in thought about the usefulness of college in helping one achieve the American dream. Nowadays, most college students do not view a college education as a key to their future. Instead, self-acquisition of knowledge on their fields of choice and the accompanying relevant skills has taken the center of the debate. Various research studies conducted on this topic, among college students, have given countless reasons for this thought pattern. The studies mostly infer that, indeed, college is a fraud. College education takes more from the student than what the student gets in return. There are many explanations in support of this assertion.

First, a college education is unnecessarily costly. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the total cost per full-time student for a bachelor’s degree in private institutions and public institutions was at $26,593and $19,488 respectively, for the academic year 2017-18. Apart from the tuition fees, there are other costs such as rent and textbook expenses for various course units where tutors often make particular recommendations for students in order to pass examinations. Statistics also show that these expenses have exponentially increased over the last decade at a rate of 31%. Whereas the key reason given for this increase is the financial inflation that the US economy has been experiencing over the period, I believe the commercialization of higher education has also significantly contributed to it. Most institutions, public and private, have shifted their focus to profits with considerable amounts of institutional revenues being channeled to marketing and public relations with the goal of admitting as many students as possible. This increases institutional expenses which translate to higher tuition fees. Consequently, students who get admission into college have to take up student loans to support themselves through college. In addition to that, high-paying job opportunities are not also a guarantee and most college graduates end up financially constrained due to the requisite loan repayments they have to make. In a nutshell, college students accrue huge amounts of debt on campus due to high tuition costs when they can cheaply learn the same thing through available resources over the internet.

Secondly, contemporary colleges are primarily profit-oriented rather than education-oriented thus making them unattractive for those seeking knowledge and skills. According to Educationdata.Org, the cost of education in the United States has skyrocketed between the years 1978-2019 by 1375%. As stated earlier, this is attributed to financial inflation and the profit-driven nature of colleges. This profit motive has led to bankruptcy and consequent shutting down of some institutions when institutional debts incurred in funding these business practices outweighed the institutions’ revenue. For instance, DeVry University had to pay $100 million settlement to its students in a Federal Trade Commission lawsuit for alleged complain of misleading advertisements on job placement rates and income levels for their graduates in various media outlets. This was the same case for Trump University which had to pay $25 million in settlement. The worst case was that of ITT Tech that had to shut down after being declared bankrupt in 2016. It had misleading job placement rates adverts, a lack of accreditation for some of its programs and expensive private loans to students. The marketing malpractices led to lawsuits which showed that the institution was actually surviving on federal government bailouts. These examples and many more show the greed that is currently driving commercialized college education which has consequently eroded the student’s trust.

Lastly, most employers no longer hire primarily based on college degrees but based on skills. According to statistics by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, nearly 98% of employers see the skills gap among most of their college recruits. It showed that 65% of college students were lacking in oral and written communication skills, application of knowledge and skills learned in school to real-world situations and critical thinking. Additionally, companies such as Tesla Inc., Google LLC, and Apple Inc. have openly stated that a college degree is not a prerequisite for recruitment in their organizations. The majority of employers need recruits to have relevant skills for a particular job before hiring them. This makes college education very unattractive. According to statistics by Educationdata.Org, the general drop-out rate of college students is approximately 40% and 30% are freshmen who drop-out before their sophomore year. Also, over half of all Americans between the ages of 25-35 years do not have any academic credentials beyond a high school diploma. This is a point to the fact that most Americans prefer going for pertinent self-taught skills that will make them employable after high school, rather than attending a college.

In sum, college education actually takes more from a student in terms of, time and money without giving equal returns in the form of relevant skills that leads to employability. Essentially, attending college is a tradeoff since one has to choose to either spend four years of their life in a classroom as well as thousands of dollars in tuition fees or to spend less time teaching themselves a skill and look for employment where the skill is relevant. Whichever the choice, one loses more with a college education than without.

Columbus Custom Carpentry Case Overview

Columbus Custom Carpentry Case Overview

This case is presented as close as possible to the way you may encounter it in working life. Your role is that of a newly hired HR manager. You will learn about the company by reading the employee handbook, talking with various employees and reviewing the human resource information system (HRIS) database.

When you first join an organization, you will have an idea of what the organization is like, and there will be a few things of which you feel certain, but your list of unknowns will be much longer. Each interaction with employees provides more data, but you will find that not everyone agrees on the facts of a particular situation. Sometimes you may find that the people you are speaking with do not know the information you are asking about; at other times, they know a great deal about the issue but choose to manage the information they provide to you for their own benefit.

We will not intentionally mislead you in this case, but do not expect everything to fall neatly into place. Uncertainty, differences of opinion and competing priorities are the norm in the professional world.

In your role as the HR manager, you are expected to analyze the situation, identify the problems and develop workable solutions. For the purpose of this case, you are asked to provide a written and oral presentation to the company president (your professor). While there is no single best answer, you must identify the key issues so that the solutions you propose are appropriate to the situation.

Columbus Custom Carpentry is a small, successful company. Recently, though, labor costs per unit have risen faster than gross revenue per unit. The company president has also found that human resource issues are taking up more and more of his time and frequently result in production problems. Both overtime and late shipments are increasing. Until now, the president’s administrative assistant has handled all HR-related administrative activities. You are the newly hired HR manager.

Subject matter knowledge you will apply in this case includes:

Internal and external pay equity.

Job grades and pay range/structure creation.

Market pricing using salary data.


Job analysis and job description development.


Monday, 7:45 a.m. Jennifer Reen, receptionist

“Good morning, welcome to Columbus Custom Carpentry. You must be our new HR manager. Here is a copy of your schedule for today. The president has already sent out an announcement about you. We are not a big company, so you should get to know the office employees pretty fast. Manufacturing is a bigger department, so getting to know those employees will take more time. The warehouse employees come and go so fast, you will probably get to know them only through the recruiting process. Mr. Cooney told me not to schedule any interviews for you today, but there is a stack of applications in your inbox. Cary Dobbins wants three new hires for next Monday morning.”

Monday, 8:00 a.m. Anthony Cooney, president/CEO

“Welcome to the Columbus Custom Carpentry family. We have a busy day laid out for you, so I won’t take up too much of your time. You will begin with Barbara Duff, my administrative assistant. She will take you through our employee orientation and get you set up for payroll and benefits. Next, Matt Lee from accounting will give you your computer password and explain our network and backup procedures. The rest of your day will be devoted to meetings with various employees so you can get to know everyone and learn more about our company. “We had talked during your interview about the employee issues we are having, and I hope your outside perspective will help us get a better understanding of what the underlying problems really are. I would like to meet again on Friday, and you can give me a preliminary idea of what you see as the primary issues. After that, we’ll give you a couple more weeks to develop an action plan to deal with these problems. That may seem like a very fast schedule, but I want you to jump on this before your time gets filled up with other activities. I recently read about the concept of a ‘honeymoon’ during an HR manager’s first 100 days. The article indicated that during this period, you are able to accomplish things that will become impossible later. I want—we need—to make the most of this opportunity.”

Monday, 8:15 a.m. Barbara Duff, president’s administrative assistant

“I have been doing the employment tasks and record keeping. I’m sure you will find everything in order. I’ll take you through the regular orientation and benefits enrollment process. I’m glad you are here, because I have been asking Mr. Cooney for help for quite a long time; all this HR stuff keeps me from getting my real job done. We will get started by completing the I-9 form.”

A couple of videos and reams of benefit forms later, she gives you the employee handbook and returns to her desk.

Monday, 10:00 a.m. Matt Lee, accounting database administrator

Matt meets you at your office to go over the company network and show you how to access the HRIS database. At this company, the HRIS is an Excel file maintained by the president’s administrative assistant. Your e-mail inbox has already been created and contains 87 messages. As he is leaving, Matt says, “I’ve been doing the payroll because we didn’t have an HR department. Now that you are here, we should talk about transitioning that function over to you.”

Monday, 10:30 a.m. Mike Cooney, chief financial officer (CFO)

“We operate in a narrow niche market. We have to maintain a price advantage over the true custom manufacturers, or our customers will have no reason not to take advantage of the wider choices and individualized solutions. This means 6 © 2010 Society for Human Resource Management. Douglas Reys, SPHR that efficiency of operations is our primary competitive advantage. If we lose that operating cost advantage, our business plan collapses like a house of cards.

“We cannot produce at the incredibly low-cost level maintained by the mass market manufacturers. We would not get costs that low even if we mimicked their limited product lines and quality levels. We compete with them by creating styles and options that they don’t offer. Finding the balance between production costs and proliferation of models is a continuing struggle.

“We need to cut out the current levels of overtime to maintain our cost structure. It is not clear why we need this overtime. Our labor hours per unit made have stopped going down and are even up somewhat. Adding overtime to that increases our labor cost per hour as well. Turnover has been useful in the past, allowing us to replace higher-paid workers with more lower-paid new hires, but the pattern seems to be changing, and now it is our new hires who are leaving. The warehouse manager wants to increase wages in his area, but that raises our costs per labor hour without explaining how it will help us get our total costs down.”

Monday, 11:30 a.m. (lunch meeting) Derwin Boyer, manufacturing manager

“A variety of people issues are hindering our productivity. We have bottlenecks in the warehouse areas. These bottlenecks spill into our manufacturing area because we have to pull people off assembly work to get their own raw materials or to move finished product out of the production area. This also means that we are doing with more expensive manufacturing labor what should be done with less expensive warehouse labor. To operate at our needed levels of efficiency, employees need to be doing the jobs they are trained for. Driving around on a forklift just to find materials or to find a place to put finished units is not efficient.

“We operate under the concept of mass customization. Using modular parts, we can produce designs with features that appear to the end user as custom work but have the manufacturing advantages of mass production.

“The assembly jigs we have developed are the heart of our system. You can think of them as big clamps. They hold the material in just the right arrangement. If the assembler puts in the wrong part, the jig will not close, preventing the assembler from wasting materials. Once the materials are in place, the jig closes, and a single lever pull will drill any needed holes in the right place, in the right size and to the proper depth. It is fast, mistake-free and simple for the operator. Much of our assembly is gluing. Here is where the big clamp analogy is the closest. Once the jig is locked with just a couple of levers, proper clamping pressure is applied at exactly the right places. Assemblers no longer spend time placing individual clamps. Once closed, the jigs are tilted upright and rolled on their own rollers to a drying area. If they are to get painted, the paint hanger goes on before the jig is released and no one even has to touch the door unit until it is crated. Zero damage and zero waste in this part of the process.”

Monday, 1:30 p.m. John Brown, manufacturing supervisor

“It is hard to keep the guys working efficiently. We are always running out of raw materials, or the finished product builds up and I have to pull guys off the production floor to deal with it. The warehouse manager doesn’t do his job, but if I have my guys take loads over, he complains that they did not get stacked right and that the damage is our fault.”

Monday, 2:00 p.m. Cary Dobbins, warehouse manager

“We are treated like stepchildren; the manufacturing department pays more and has the best equipment. If I do get a good employee, this person transfers to manufacturing at the first opportunity. I tried blocking a transfer once, but the employee got mad and quit. If we get behind, manufacturing just drops product anywhere, and when it gets damaged, they blame it on us. They think anybody can do our job, but they can’t seem to put a blue crate into a blue bin without hitting something.

“I waste time interviewing and training when I should be working on the crating jig project that is supposed to reduce our damage ratio and make packing easier. My best guys can pack better than the jig right now, but I have to train new people all the time, and some just don’t seem to get it. Crating may not be rocket science, but putting nails in crooked damages the doors. Miss a corner—and the whole thing will fall apart the first time we try to move it. People get the idea that because it is manual labor rather than an automated machine, it is simpler. The opposite is closer to the truth. My forklift drivers don’t want to do crating because it has so much bending over and lifting that it is much harder physically than their regular work. The crating jig should make it possible for less-skilled people to do the crating job. This will eventually allow us to save money both on labor costs and the cost of replacing damaged goods.”

Monday, 3:00 p.m. Brandon Swift, marketing manager

“It is critical that we are seen by our customers as top quality because we charge more than the prices they see at the big-box stores. Damaged goods and shipping problems reflect poorly on our product, even if it is good quality. How many end users can truly judge the quality of our product? Not many; it’s all perception.

“We work directly with the homeowners in the design process, but the builders are the ones who refer the homeowners, do the sizing, place the orders and install the product. They are the ones who take the heat for shipping delays or damage. When they need service, parts or replacements, they want them now, not tomorrow or the day after. Time is money to contractors. We have to win on design but deliver at a price that makes our products a better value.”

Monday, 3:45 p.m. Stephen Moore, crater (new hire)

“I took this job to get off of second shift, but I am hoping to transfer to the manufacturing group as soon as I can. My friend who works over there told me about this place, but they make you start in the warehouse and work your way up. What I don’t get is why the crating job pays less than the forklift job; running the forklift is easier work. Besides, working on the crating jig is really like working in the manufacturing side, where they use similar jigs to make the doors. The manufacturing techs get paid a lot more than craters. It sure is nice being home with my family in the evening, but if I don’t get that transfer and the raise that goes with it, I will have to get a second job to make ends meet.”

Monday, 4:00 p.m. Nathan Smith, production technician (manufacturing assembly)

“When I first got here, we made the doors from scratch. You could take pride in a door you made yourself. Now we just throw parts into a jig and stick them together. It allows new people to make a quality door with little training, but it is kind of sad for those of us who consider ourselves craftsmen. Most of my old co-workers have moved into the housing industry as finish carpenters. I came from there originally, and I’m afraid of going back just in time to lose my job due to a downturn in the housing market.”

Monday 4:15 p.m. Jeffery Green, raw materials warehouse

“I like running the forklift in raw materials. I know I could make a little more in production, but I think it would be boring doing the same thing all day. We have a good team in my area; most of us have been here awhile and know our jobs. The supervisor spends most of his time working on orders and inventory issues rather than standing over us. I like that. It’s not the same in production. The supervisors are always on their tails, and if anything goes wrong, there is lots of yelling. They are always trying to blame other departments because they are under so much pressure to produce. They’ll switch models on the fly, then complain that we don’t have the parts bin correctly stocked. The worst is when they try to help. Talk about screwing things up in a hurry! We should take away all of their forklift licenses.”

College Is a Scam

Smith Sharmaine

Ms. McCormick

ENG 1010-20

01 July 2020

College Is a Scam

As the top of the education system, college attendance is the primary goal of every school-going student right from kindergarten to high school. While college was initially a pride of place for one to be in, the lack of employability of graduates in the job market has casted a shadow of doubt on its significance. In the 19th and 20th century, colleges and universities were places where young men and women were molded into responsible citizens with the aim of passing the mantle of steering the nation into prosperity to them. However, the commercialization of higher education has made attending college to no longer be a coveted experience. This is grounded on so many reasons.

First, the growth of many college institutions and commercialization of education has watered down the quality of higher education. Prior to the concept of viewing higher education as an investment with financial returns in the form of a well-paying job, there were few colleges with dedicated students and academicians who took pride in being thinkers for the society on any social issue. The limited number of colleges ensured that the quality of education offered within those citadels of knowledge was consequently very high. However, while the government’s agenda to increase literacy levels by chartering more public and private higher learning institutions was gentle, it also bore the downside of decreasing the quality of education being offered. Most colleges thus are like every other business investment centered on financial returns to their owners. Consequently, the institutions toss out half-baked graduates who are not employable in the job markets thus making college education a scam in the long run.

Secondly, most colleges offer courses that are geared towards the white collar economy where there are limited job opportunities. The deep-rooted belief of most college going students as well as graduates that they are at the top of the intellectual chain makes blue color jobs an anathema to them. Consequently, the white collar part of the job market is awash with many graduates seeking employment especially in respected professions such as Law and Engineering thus tipping the demand-supply scale in favor of employers who as a result are at liberty to lower wages in accordance with these forces of the market. With increased joblessness among graduates, there is meaning for college education.

Thirdly, most current students attend college primarily to have a record of campus experience and exposure. Higher learning institutions have recorded high numbers of drug substance abuse and sexual transmitted infections which can be primarily credited to lack of education goals and laziness among college students. According to the National Library of Medicine National Institute, more than 37% of college students have abused illegal drugs such as opioids and alcohol on a regular basis (Witt, Glassman and Federman). This is chiefly inspired by their new found personal freedom away from parental supervision and frequent partying in campuses. Similarly, studies show that one in every four college students have or has ever had a sexually transmitted disease and more than 80% of them have no noticeable symptoms (Allen,2017). Both of these statistics show a high level of laziness due to lack of purpose in higher education for most college students. To them college is a place where they explore their bodies and discover themselves.

In conclusion, most learners no longer find meaning in going to college and if they do, most are motivated by freedom from control by their parents after high school as well as the chance to have control over their own finances in the form of student loans. This is because most do not think going to college will lead to any job preferring self-employment instead.


Witt, D., Glassman, T. A., Federman, S., & Bott, K. (2017). The Case for Implementing the Levels of Prevention Model: Opiate Abuse on American College Campuses. Journal of American College Health, 518-512.

Allen, W. (2017). Increasing Knowledge of Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adult College Students through Video Education: An Evidenced-based Approach. ABNF Journal, 28(3).