
Week 1 DQ 1

Each of us have own reasons for pursuing our CISSP certification.  Why did you choose to pursue yours?

The reason I am looking to get my CISSP is for job security reasons and the fact that will get me in a Technical 3 level when it comes to being compliment with DOD’s 8570. I also would love to have a fun job catch hackers with the F.B.I. so the CISSP will put me in the running to get one of those jobs. I also think there is a good pay raise that comes when you have a cert of this level. I was also looking into the CASP because it seem a little bit easier.

Week 1 DQ 3

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

After viewing the video on IT Governance, describe the IT governance model and discuss its importance in instituting a comprehensive security program. What are security blueprints?

In your own words, describe the personnel best practices of mandatory vacation, separation of powers, principle of least privilege, and job rotation. Give an example of where you have seen these practices applied from your own experience.

Mandatory Vacation is when upper management has to make an employee take a few days off this. This is done for auditing purposes. If the person works and don’t take any time off they could be doing things on the system that people are unaware of and the security team might need some time to examine their system to make sure everything is copasetic.

Separation of powers or what is called separation of duty is used to compartmentalize a job or an organization. This is used to make sure one person is not a single point of failure or that one person does not have too much power. “Designed to prevent error and fraud by ensuring that at least two individuals are responsible for the separate parts of any task. (Wigmore, 2014) ”

Principle of least privilege is to make sure that everyone only has access to what they need and have the lowest access control to folders and files and places. Most state the rule for least privilege is to deny everything and then as a person needs access start opening up rights. “If all processes ran with the smallest set of privileges needed to perform the user’s tasks. (Merrifield, 2014)” So the first step in hardening an account is to deny all.

Job rotation is used to make sure people don’t get to relaxed in their jobs so every so often they have you do another job this is kind of a way for companies to use a checks and balance system. That way if you are doing anything wrong in your job the other person will see it and maybe report it to upper management. “Job rotation is an operational control to detect errors and frauds. (Kokcha, 2012) ”

In my day to day life I have never had a madatory vacation because I take off a good amount of time every year. I have created user accounts before at an ole job so I totally get the process of least privlege. When creating an account they tell us to lock down the account and have the users TASO tell you what that person should have access to, I would stat that most of these accounts where on a role based system.


Works Cited

Kokcha, R. (2012, 05 16). Job Rotation. Retrieved from

Merrifield, J. (2014, 10). Using a Least-Privileged User Account . Retrieved from

Wigmore, I. (2014, 01 01). segregation of duties (SoD). Retrieved from

Week 2 DQ 1

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

What are the different Access Control Models available to secure access to resources? Give an example of one that you have used in a work situation or if that is not possible, one that you’ve read about.

Identify the Access Control Categories and give an example of one that you have read about or have knowledge of from your own experience.

Describe threats to the Access Control domain from what was covered within the reading and give an example of each.

What are the main goals of access control and what are the best practices recommended to help in achieving them.

What are the different Access Control Models available to secure access to resources? Give an example of one that you have used in a work situation or if that is not possible, one that you’ve read about.

RBAC which is also known as Role Based Access Control – This access control gives people access based on their role in the organization. An example of that is let’s say the base commander was leaving and there was a new one coming in you would mirror the new base commander’s access to the old one. I have had to do then when creating accounts in AD and group email accounts.

DAC which is also known as Discretionary Access Control- This access control restricts access to data by placing users in different groups and giving the group access to parts of the network. Also there are data owners in the group who can change the level of access each person in the group has. An example is when someone gives another person access to their outlook email account and the owner of the account can dictate weather they won’t the person to have rights to send on the behalf of the email account.

MAC which is also known as Mandatory Access control – This access control method gives the data a sensitivity labels or classification and if the users does not have the classification level they are denied access to the data. “Is a system-controlled policy restricting access to resource objects (such as data files, devices, systems, etc.) based on the level of authorization or clearance of the accessing entity, be it person, process, or device. (Rouse, 2008)

Works Cited

Rouse, M. (2008, 12). mandatory access control (MAC). Retrieved from

Week 2 DQ 2

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

What are the challenges that an Identity and Access Management system helps overcome? What benefits does it provide?

In your own words describe the four main activities that comprise the System Access Control Process. What guidelines must be followed within the Identification phase?

Identify the Information and Access Management Technologies and describe one that you are familiar with either from your own experience or give an example of one that you’ve read about.

Describe the three factors that can be used in authentication and give at least two examples for each.

Describe the three factors that can be used in authentication and give at least two examples for each.

The Three factors of authentication are something you know, something you have and something that you are.

Most networks have some type of authentication process for user’s login this is to make sure the user has the correct access to the objects that they need and also this is used for Identification purposes also.

One way to sign into the network is with a user name and pin. This is the least secure method because there are serval ways a hacker can gain access to a user name and a password. They could use social networks and guess what the password might be or they can you things like dictionary attacks or brute force to crack the password. This method is also called something you know.

Another authentication is something you have this is a little bit more secure then something you know cause you have to physically get something that the users has such as a token or a smart card. I use a multi factor log in method at my work place and we need to have a CAC to log into the network along with a pin. Ways that people can get around this is by taken the token but or duplicating the smart chip in the CAC but these ways are much harder to do.

The best type of single authentication would be something you are. These are things like” Biometric methods provide the something you are factor of authentication. Some of the biometric methods that can be used are fingerprints, hand geometry, retinal or iris scans, handwriting, and voice analysis. Fingerprints and handprints are the most widely used biometric method in use today. (Gibson, 2011)” I worked at a help desk where the walk ups could come and reset there biometric log in or change the method of login in this was very interesting the processes and why the scanner works. This method is a hard way to gain access but it is not impossible.  


Works Cited

Gibson, D. (2011, jUN 6). Understanding the Three Factors of Authentication. Retrieved from

Week 3 DQ 1

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

Identify the malicious threat sources to physical security and their corresponding countermeasures.

Describe the main components of a CCTV system. What are some of the concerns with CCTV deployments?

Describe three perimeter intrusion detection systems from the physical security domain and give an example of one that you have seen deployed either at work or another location that you are familiar with.

The main components of a CCTV system consist of cameras, transmitters, receivers, a recording system, and a monitor.  The camera captures the data, transmits to the recording system, and then displays on the monitor. One of the concerns with the deployment of the CCTV system include the circuit not being tamperproof whereby this would allow attackers to compromises the companies CCTV system this is a problem that compromises the devices integrity and manipulating the video feed to play back recordings from another recording timeframe. Also depending on the system the feed could be easily hi jacked. Also vandalism could be another problem it CCTV faces the camera is behind a harden plastic cover but if someone mess up that cover it is hard to see though.  Another concern would be choosing the correct lens. The lens should have the proper focal length that covers the entire area or depth of focus, and having the capability to adjust the lens. Light is another concern with the CCTV system, deploying a light-sensitive camera which “allows for the capture of extraordinary detail of objects and precise presentation.” (Harris, 2013) Using the use of an auto iris lens can regulate the amount of light that enters the lens.


Harris, S. (2013). Alll-in-One CISSP. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Week 3 DQ 2

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

Describe the functions of hubs/repeaters, bridges, switches, routers, and gateways. At what layers of the OSI model does each device operate?

Describe the different Wireless standards within the 802.11 family. What is a rogue access point, and what do we have to worry about?

Describe the differences between bus, ring and star topologies. List the various wiring standards that are available for use within these topologies.

From the videos, pick one hacker profiled and describe the types of attacks they used in exploiting vulnerabilities of the networks that they targeted. What opening did they gain access through? How were they detected?

HubRepeater operates at the physical layer. They repeat incoming frames without examining the MAC address in the frame.

Bridges connects “two or more media segments on the same subnet, and filters traffic between both segments based on the MAC address in the frame. They divide a network into segments to reduce traffic congestion and excessive collisions” (Harris, 2013) by connecting two networks and passes traffic between them based only on the node address, so that traffic between nodes on one network does not appear on the other network.  Bridges operate in the data link OSI layer.

Switches operate at data link layer. A multiport bridge that performs filtering based on MAC addresses can process multiple frames simultaneously, guaranteed bandwidth to each switch port. Switches offer guaranteed bandwidth. (Webtycho, 2013)

Routers assign a new address per port which allows it to connect different networks together. Also discovers information about routes and changes that take place in a “network through its routing protocols; and filters traffic based on ACLs and fragments packets.” (Webtycho, 2013) Because of their network level, they can “calculate at the shortest and economical path between the sending and receiving hosts” (Harris, 2013). Routers operate in the network OSI layer.

Gateways- can be a combination of hardware andor software that connects individual LANS to a larger network and can act like a translator. This usually involves converting different protocols. For example, a “gateway could be used to convert a TCPIP packet to a NetWare IPX packet”. (Webtycho, 2013) Gateways operate in all seven OSI layers.


Harris, S. (2013). Alll-in-One CISSP. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Webtycho, U. (2013, October).Network Course Content Material . Adelphia, Maryland.

Week 4 DQ 1

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

Describe in your own words the differences between steganography, digital watermarking, and digital rights management.

Choose three of the basic cryptosystems and give an overview of each.

Describe the operation of a one-time pad (OTP) and give an example of a device that uses an OTP either from your own experience or from research.

A one-time pad (OTP) uses a pad of random values, where a plaintext message that needs to be encrypted is converted into bits. The encryption process uses a binary mathematic function exclusive-OR (XOR) that is applied to two bits and when combining the bits, if both values are the same the result is 0 (1 XOR 1=0)m, but if the values are different from each other the result is 1(1 XOR 0=1). For instance when User A and User B “produce a huge number of random bits and share them secretly. When User A has a message to send to User B, User A retrieves a number of random bits equal to the length of User A’s message, and uses them to be the message’s key. User A applies the exclusive or operation (xor) to the key and the message to produce the encrypted message. The key must be exactly the same size as the message. The key must also consist of completely random bits that are kept secret from everyone except User A and User B. When User B receives the message, User B retrieves the same bits from his copy of the random bit collection. User B must retrieve the same random bits in exactly the same order that User A used them. Then User B uses the sequence of random bits to decrypt the message. User B applies the xor operation to the message and the key to retrieve the plain text.” (Cryptosmith, 2007) An example of a device that uses the one-time pad would be a mobile phone.



Cryptosmith, (2007). One-Time Pads, Retrieved from:

Week 4 DQ 2

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of symmetric key cryptography? Give an example of where this type of cryptography is used. What are the strengths and weaknesses of asymmetric key cryptography? Give an example of where this type of cryptography is used.

What are the types of message integrity controls and what benefit is provided by them? Give a short description of the various secure email protocols that are referenced in the Shon Harris book and the Course Content.

What benefit do digital signatures provide and what are their characteristics? In your own words, what does non-repudiation mean? 

The types of message controls and their benefit include, The One-Way Hash, the benefit it provides a fingerprint of a message by taking a variable-length string and a message and produces a fixed-length value; HMAC, the benefit it provides data origin authentication and data integrity.  A symmetric key is used and concatenated to produce a MAC value that is appended into a message and sent to the receiver; CBC-MAC, the benefit it provides is that the message is encrypted with a symmetric block cipher in CBC mode and the output of the final block of ciphertext is used as the MAC; Hashing, this has various algorithms such as MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, HAVAL, Tiger. The benefit it provides is that it generates messages digests to detect whether modification has taken place; Digital Signature, the benefit it provides is that it encrypts the sender’s private key.

The various secure email protocols are:

Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) – an internet standard that provides secure-email over the Internet for in-house communication infrastructure that provides authentication, message integrity, encryption, and key management.

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) – a freeware email security program that was the first widespread public key encryption program. PGP is a complete cryptosystem that uses cryptographic protection to protect email files.

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) – a technical specification that indicates how multimedia data and email attachments are to be transferred; and a mail standard that dictates how mail is formatted, encapsulated, transmitted, and opened.

Harris, Shon. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill/Osborne. © 2013. Books24x7. <>

Week 5 DQ 1

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

What are the steps in the business continuity planning process? Why is a clear understanding of a company’s enterprise architecture critical to this process?

Describe the steps in a Business Impact Analysis (BIA).

What different loss criteria types can be associated with threats identified during the Business Impact Analysis process? 

The following are the steps in the business continuity planning process. It is extremely important to have a clear understanding of the company’s enterprise architecture because you have to know what you’re protecting and how it would affect the organization and its stakeholders if those assets identified were damaged or destroyed.

Develop the continuity planning policy statement. Write a policy that provides the guidance necessary to develop a BCP, and that assigns authority to the necessary roles to carry out these tasks (Harris, 2013).

Conduct the business impact analysis (BIA). Identify critical functions and systems and allow the organization to prioritize them based on necessity. Identify vulnerabilities and threats, and calculate risks (Harris, 2013).

Identify preventive controls. Once threats are recognized, identify and implement controls and countermeasures to reduce the organization’s risk level in an economical manner (Harris, 2013).

Develop recovery strategies. Formulate methods to ensure systems and critical functions can be brought online quickly (Harris, 2013).

Develop the contingency plan. Write procedures and guidelines for how the organization can still stay functional in a crippled state (Harris, 2013).

Test the plan and conduct training and exercises. Test the plan to identify deficiencies in the BCP, and conduct training to properly prepare individuals on their expected tasks (Harris, 2013).

Maintain the plan. Put in place steps to ensure the BCP is a living document that is updated regularly (Harris, 2013).


Harris, S. (2013). CISSP All-In-One Exam Guide, Sixth Edition. [Books24x7 version] Available from 5 DQ 2

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

Describe the differences between the hot, warm, and cold site methods of facility recovery.

Define the full, incremental, and differential backups and describe the differences between these data backup types.

Describe the differences between disk shadowing, electronic vaulting, and remote journaling. What is disk duplexing and how does it differ from disk mirroring? 

Effective data recovery plans must include hot sites, warm sites and cold sites. When the capabilities of each site is considered, companies are better able to predict the recovery time following a disaster. Knowing how long it will take until systems begin running again is vital. A hot site is considered “proactive”. It allows a company to keep servers and a live backup site running incase a disaster occurs. This is unlike a warm or “preventive” site which enables the pre-installation of a company’s hardware and it allows the company to preconfigure bandwidth necessities. In a warm site, all a company would have to do is simply load software, as well as data in order to restore the business’ systems. Cold sites are also referred to as ‘recovery’ sites. These sites include data center space, power and network connectivity that is available whenever a company may need it. In these facilities, a company’s logistical support team would assist in the moving of hardware into the data center and get the company back up and running. This process may take an extended period of time, unlike a transition into a hot site where there would be immediate cutover if disaster were to arise. Hot sites are essential for mission critical sites (Core X Change, 2014).


Core X Change. (2014). Disaster Recovery Hot, Warm and Cold Sites: Key Differences.Colocation & Connectivity by Zayo. Retrieved from

Week 6 DQ 2

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

What is a View-based access control in database? What is a Data warehouse? What is Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)?

What is Change Management and how is it used to control security breaches? What is Configuration Management and how is it used to control security breaches? What is Patch management and how is it used to control security breaches?

In a database, to control security, lock controls are implemented and tested using the ACID test. Explain the following terms for each letter within the ACID method: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. 

The ACID method consist of atomicity which divides transactions into units of work and ensures that all modifications either take effect or none takes effect- where the database either commits or is rolled back; consistency is where a transaction must follow the integrity policy developed for that particular database and ensure all data are consistent in the different databases; isolation is where transactions execute in isolation until completed, without interacting with other transactions; and durability which pertains to once the transaction is verified as accurate on all systems it is committed and the databases cannot be rolled back.

Week 7 DQ 1

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

Describe the administrative management practices of separation of duties, job rotation, and mandatory vacations and their role within operations security.

Describe the differences between the following sanitization methods of media control: clearing, purging, zeroization, and degaussing. What is data remanence? 

The difference between the following sanitization methods of media control are:

Clearing – a process of removing data from media that it is not readily retrieved using routine operating system commands or data recovery software.

Purging –method of removing the data on media making it unrecoverable even with great effort.)

Zeroization- method of overwriting data on media with a pattern designed to ensure that the data cannot be recovered

Degaussing – the process of magnetically scrambling the patterns on a tape or disk that represents the data stored on the disk and destroying the media through either shredding crushing, or burning-

Data remanence is the residual physical representation of data that remains on the drive even after the data has been removed or erased.

Week 7 DQ 2

After reading/viewing this week’s materials, please respond to one or more of the following questions.

Describe the different methods of RAID. What is RAIT?

Define the different types of trusted recovery. What is meant by the term “fail secure”?

Describe three of the following attack types in the Operation Security domain: man-in-the-middle, mail bombing, war-dialing, ping-of-death, teardrop, and slamming-and-cramming 

The different methods of RAID consist of RAID 0 which deals with data striping, RAID 1 handles mirroring, RAID 2 where data parity are created with a hamming code which identifies any errors, RAID 3 is considered the Byte-level parity, where data is striping over all the drives and the parity data is held on one drive, RAID 4 is where parity is created at the block-level, RAID 5 is where data is written in disk sector units to all the drives-this is the most widely used because of its redundancy, RAID 6 is the fault tolerance, which is a second set of parity data written to all drives, RAID 10 is where data are simultaneously mirrored and striped across several drives and can support multiple drive failures.

Redundant Array of Independent Tapes (RAIT) is similar to RAID but it uses tape drives instead of disk drives. In RIAT data is striped in parallel to multiple tapes drives with or without redundant parity drive.

Week 8 DQ 1

As the course wraps up this week, please share your reflections on this course, including lessons learned. 

What are you goals moving forward?Though a very challenging and fast-paced class, I learned quite a bit in each of the CISSP domains. It is easy to see why an exam of this level is contingent upon five years of job experience in at least two of the domains (although you can take the exam without the experience and only achieve SSCP) ((ISC)2, 2014). 

From the perspective of taking the exam, I will likely take another couple months to circle back to each domain take more practice tests, and really focus on topics that need more attention. Though this was an eight week class, the scope of the CISSP is very large and requires a lot of attention. 

I haven’t yet received feedback on my risk assessment paper, but I’ll say that it was a challenging yet rewarding assignment. It was great to take the topics we learned in class and directly apply them to a project, which isn’t far from what is in the real world. If I wasn’t a procrastinator, I could have easily doubled or tripled the length of this paper, given the topics I learned in this class that I wanted to apply to GFI’s, such as writing more detail about a security policy, vulnerability management, etc. I’ll have to leave that for a other courses, which I hope to be able to take. 

All in all, this was a great class. I would have much preferred not to have taken it online, and take it in a 16 week session, but there is still a lot I’ve learned that I will be able to apply to my current job to make me a better Information Assurance Auditor. 

Good luck to you all in your future studies!

Works Cited

(ISC)2. (2014). How to Get Your CISSP Certification. Retrieved 12 14, 2014, from (ISC)2:


An ISP is a detailed plan in which the company measures its risk. Most ISP assessments looking at a company’s strategic, Tactical and Operational plan. The plan also rank and assess amount of risk the company is taking these documents normally take account for contain such as Privacy, Policy, audit, Compliance and technical security and Access control. This plan also details how to protect the company’s information. And also should have a roster of people in the organization.

Strategic has organization and Authority. Enterprise security framework and Security vision and strategy. (BCP, Back up servers)

Tactical has Policy, audit & compliance, risk management, privacy, awareness and education. (Training, user agreements and checks and balances.)

Operational access control, monitoring, assets and physical. (Gates, PTZ and turnstiles)

The stuxnet virus made an Iranian nuclear facility lose the availability of their nuclear reactors when the virus made raised the RPM of the rotors spin so fact that they physically broke. So at that point they had no way to use the reactor until it was fixed.

If some way was to comprise an email hash and was able to change around the message then that would damage the integrity of the message because we don’t know what the original message looked like.

By someone giving up secret information they could out us Assets and unveil spies confidently. Well the amount of data can be counted in risk assessment in a qualitative manor. There is no way to really but a number price on to lost data also when it comes to human loss of life. But when it comes to something like damaged computers you can assess that in a quantitative manor. You can place a number on that and say that it cost an dollar amount and if need be it can be replaced.

CMN, Question One (Virtual Reality)





CMN, Question One (Virtual Reality)

Virtual reality is a form of modern communication that uses technology as opposed to traditional means. This form of education is a direct result of the introduction of the World Wide Web. This concept consists of forming a social playground with people who are not in close contact. This medium allows for a person to distance themselves from reality into other worlds that is surreal in nature. Each individual has at one point had an encounter with virtual reality due to the introduction of modern ideas such as computer games, 3D and avatars (Woolgar, p. 244).

This has thus changed the way people communicate with each other. The traditional form of communication is more engaging. It places emphasis on personal interactions which brings forth an understanding of the parties involved. Virtual reality on the contrary focuses on creating a world that fits into a certain identity. This assists individual’s form an identity to their likelihood. This identity is similar to the other characters in the world due to the characteristics they share. This form of communication has changed the dynamics of the social cultural interaction in the community as a whole. This situation continues to worsen in that people use the world to get away from the real world. This results in an enclosed society that remains indoors to socialize (Szigeti, p. 138).

Media presence simply means using a certain medium such as the internet to have a virtual experience. This is represented by an illusion that can disappear or appear at any time. Inner presence is the adaptation of a more critical virtual state that comprises of psychological personalities.

Question two (Confession and identity)

Identity is the recognition of oneself in relation to all aspects of life. Self identification is a process that does not occur in a short period of time. Individuals learn something about themselves each and every day. A person identifies themselves through their, family, culture, surrounding environment and character traits. These qualities are essential in that they influence the decisions of an individual. Identity involves accepting all these qualities as your own and learning how to work around them (Hymer, p. 91).

Confession on the other hand involves exposing these qualities to outsiders. These qualities are both positive and negative in nature. It is difficult to relate with the negative aspects of a person’s personality. Learning how to deal with this factor improves the self esteem or self worth of the person in the society. The self is a state that comprises of qualities that are separate from the personal identity. There are other factors that determine the realization of oneself. The use of confessions is one of the ways that improve the personal identity of an individual. The use of confession is essential in releasing burdens that a person may have. One of the ways of doing this is through talking to a friend, family member or a therapist.

In order for a person to improve on their identity, an individual has to take the time to learn about themselves. This can be done through a personal or public analysis. Both the confession and identity complement each other. The removal of one element reduces the growth of another. It is thus ideal for individuals to learn about their personal identity so as to improve on their relationships in the environment. Placing self identity and confession improves the rate of communication in the society and thus breaks barriers as a result (Corbey, p. 124).

Works cited

Corbey, Raymond. Alterity, Identity, Image: Selves and Others in Society and Scholarship. Amsterdam u.a: Rodopi, 1991. Print.

Hymer, Sharon. Confessions in Psychotherapy. New York: Gardner Press, 1988. Print.

Szigeti, Tim. Cisco Telepresence Fundamentals. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press, 2009. Print.

Woolgar, Steve. Virtual Society?: Technology, Cyberbole, Reality. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2002. Print.

CNN’s Values and Its Influence on TV News

CNN’s Values and Its Influence on TV News


Course and Code




In this discussion, a discourse analysis is used to explore how CNN’s values and influence affect the way it presents global news to audiences, and how the approach of the media house affects public perception, attitude, and policy formulation. CNN has been scrutinized from a variety of perspectives, including ownership and finances, competition, and the manner in which news is produced. This article examines the research conducted on CNN’s guiding principles and how they affect television news in order to determine whether or not they are correct. In the context of CNN’s reporting for a range of audiences, including the general public, armed conflict, war and intervention, foreign policy, and diplomacy will all be examined.

This research investigates the extent to which the media influences public perception, attitudes, government policies, and a culture of media bias, all of which have the potential to alter the course of a society’s development. A good illustration of how the media may influence people’s thoughts, actions, and government policies is the CNN effect, which occurred in the late 1990s and is still relevant today in influencing the direction of policy by governments and humanitarian organizations. These topics are addressed via an examination of significant texts on the subject that have appeared in professional and academic journals during the last decade, which is done in a systematic and critical way. Interviews and focus groups are also used to gather qualitative data relating to personal perspectives on the values and influences of CNN as a news broadcast entity. All of these publications contain theoretical and comparative works, specific case studies, paradigms, and methodologies.

In the review of literature, the study highlights the need for impartiality in media broadcasts as a gatekeeper role for media hoses like CNN. The news media must be independent and impartial in order to offer factual information to the public. However, gatekeeping policies have changed since media content is only made available to the public after it has been vetted and controlled by media firms and organizations. As part of the process of choosing what gets on the news agenda each day, media houses filter content based on their position on the matter. CNN editors determine which sorts of content are appropriate to share with a media outlet’s audience and which are not, like the recent case of the conflict in Yemen, Ukraine, Syria, and Somalia. These issues not only raise questions about the media’s independence, but they also show the institution that performed the content-level analysis’s policy and news agenda.

In the confines of media, the CNN effect refers to the concept that 24-hour news networks have an influence on political and economic climates in the places where they are aired. The effect of CNN on Western foreign policy and the media’s power to affect politicians’ intentions are both instances of the idea of the fourth estate. Politicians are forced to comment on issues they would otherwise avoid, or even dictate policy direction such as the recent direction on the COVID-19 issues including vaccination and foreign policy direction with China. The CNN effect has two characteristics: First and foremost, the news media is self-governing, with the authority to choose its own editorial agenda. Second, and probably most importantly, it includes the capacity to ask politicians questions and get replies. As events develop, the media must become more aggressive, establish their own goals, and act more like enterprises propelled by events in general. Those watching television were horrified and bewildered in the wake of large-scale massacres in the US.

The study chose to use discourse analysis. Discourse analysis is a sort of qualitative study that examines how language is used and how people communicate with one another, as well as the events, processes, and behaviors that arise as a result of the meanings conveyed by the language. Through the use of data collected in the field, discourse analysis attempts to identify and categorize various meaning-making processes, networks, and behaviors. There are several ways to apply discourse analysis as an analytical approach, as well as many different places to begin with the method.

From the interviews and focus groups results, participants believe that one potential advantage of global, real-time media is that it may enable individuals to make choices more quickly. People tend to make snap judgments, which may be dangerous when CNN uses 24-hour media coverage of a breaking event. CNN’s international and real-time news coverage has had an impact on the way the foreign policy bureaucracy operates, particularly intelligence agencies and desk officers in the foreign policy docket, and the network is often seen as a policy acceleration tool. It is now necessary for intelligence services to compete with news organizations by producing their evaluations more quickly and by being prepared to defend their findings against data presented on CNN or other real-time channels.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

The expansion and diversification of CNN, which included the establishment of CNN International, have had a significant impact on many aspects of global communications and international relations, including technology, economics, cultural law, public opinion politics, and diplomacy, among other things. It has also had an impact on war and terrorism, human rights, environmental degradation, refugees, and health and health-related concerns, among other things. In the 1980s, neither academics nor professionals paid much attention to this issue (Hellmueller & Zhang, 2019), but CNN’s coverage of the Gulf War piqued the interest of many who wanted to learn more about it (Alitavoli, 2020). The conflict was a watershed moment in the history of communications, and particularly in the history of CNN, since it fundamentally altered the way the world views media coverage (Gabore, 2020). When a significant new actor joins the spheres of communications and international relations, it is critical to conduct both theoretical and empirical study in order to determine what role and relevance they will play in the future (Mutua & Oloo Ong’ong’a, 2020). CNN has been scrutinized from a variety of perspectives, including ownership and finances, competition, and the manner in which news is produced.

This article examines the research conducted on CNN’s guiding principles and how they affect television news in order to determine whether or not they are correct. In the context of CNN’s reporting for a range of audiences, including the general public, armed conflict, war and intervention, foreign policy, and diplomacy will all be examined. This research investigates the extent to which the media influences public perception, attitudes, government policies, and a culture of media bias, all of which have the potential to alter the course of a society’s development. A good illustration of how the media may influence people’s thoughts, actions, and government policies is the CNN effect, which occurred in the late 1990s and is still relevant today in influencing the direction of policy by governments and humanitarian organizations.

Nam and Chae (2022) note that researchers have not yet provided a full explanation of the CNN effect, thus have questioned whether it is a well-developed theory or just a catchy new phrase. It was early in the inquiry that the phrases “CNN complex,” “CNN curve,” and “CNN factor” were coined to describe the potential effects of CNN on attitudes and perceptions of public issues (Zhao et al., 2020). Each of these names has a varied meaning for various people, including journalists, government officials, and academics (Nam & Chae, 2022). The increased pressure on leaders to make choices, as well as the increased speed of worldwide communication, have been the primary findings of analysts in recent years, according to global real-time news coverage. Since CNN has played a significant role in broadcasting ethnic and civil conflicts, as well as humanitarian interventions since the end of the Cold War, it is critical to develop and test how the media has continued to shape public perception through selective presentation of information (Tari & Emamzadeh, 2018). In particular, instant communications, as well as the time restrictions that come with them, have the potential for forcing politicians to make choices before they have had a chance to consider other possibilities (Asghar et al., 2019). In light of the widespread acceptance of the CNN effect and the significant amount of attention it receives, particularly from policymakers and the media, as well as the ways in which it influences policymaking and research, it is critical to investigate where the theory originated and how it has aided science and research.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study

Many studies have been conducted in recent years on fake news and how these sources of misleading information continue to influence public opinion on issues such as political direction and other subjects. People have spoken out against the bias of the news media and how it influences their perceptions on issues such as social, economic, political, and international relations, among other things (Boulahnane, 2018). As a result, a new cottage industry of specialists has sprung up to investigate the problem and come up with recommendations. The majority of the responses have dealt with technical issues. The media literacy of the public has also increased, making it simpler for them to distinguish between legitimate and fabricated news articles (Bajri, Nurrohman, & Fakhri, 2019). The employment of these approaches gives the impression that individuals are being fed media messages by a hypodermic needle or that they are like sponges ready to absorb information when the methods are applied (Gilboa, 2005). While most recent arguments have focused on how individuals question and engage with news from social media sites, the consequences of media bias for viewers have been mostly absent from the discussion.

These are the questions that will be addressed in this research:

What is the CNN effect, and how does it come from the goals of the media organization and manifest itself in its influence on its audience?

Describe how the effect and influence of CNN has been previously investigated and assessed.

Is there any progress being made as a result of a decade of investigations into CNN’s goals and influence on news broadcasting, and what are the conclusions of those studies?

For the foreseeable future, what research topics and approaches should be pursued by researchers in order to investigate the repercussions of global communications networks like CNN, as well as those of other global news providers?

These topics are addressed via an examination of significant texts on the subject that have appeared in professional and academic journals during the last decade, which is done in a systematic and critical way. Interviews and focus groups are also used to gather qualitative data relating to personal perspectives on the values and influences of CNN as a news broadcast entity. All of these publications contain theoretical and comparative works, specific case studies, paradigms, and methodologies. This study’s results reflect a simmering debate among academics over whether or not the CNN effect idea is correct and whether it has had significant influence on shaping public policy on various matters.

2. Literature Review

2.1 News Media and Impartiality

The news media must be independent and impartial in order to offer factual information to the public. According to Gilboa (2005) and Robinson (1999), choosing when, how, and for how long to broadcast news items (gatekeeping) and how much time they spend reporting on them (setting agendas) raises issues about media organizations’ neutrality, independence, and ability to report objectively and unbiasedly. In support of the need for media impartiality, Robinson (2011) found that media content is only made available to the public after it has been vetted and controlled by media firms and organizations. As part of the process of choosing what gets on the news agenda each day, media houses filter content based on their position on the matter (Bajri, Nurrohman, & Fakhri, 2019). for example, Doucet (2018) notes that editors determine which sorts of content are appropriate to share with a media outlet’s audience and which are not, like the recent case of the conflict in Yemen, Ukraine, Syria, and Somalia. These issues not only raise questions about the media’s independence, but they also show the institution that performed the content-level analysis’s policy and news agenda.2.2 The CNN Effect

Looking at the CNN effect, it is thought that frequent coverage of big events on television networks such as CNN, Aljazeera, BBC, FOX news, and documentary channels like Vice may have an influence on local and worldwide policy agendas (Ameli & Shiralilou, 2019). In a research done by Zhang and Luther (2020), the influence works by changing how the public sees events, which changes the government’s goals and policies. As a consequence, Blackstone (2018) defines CNN’s influence as independent news media rallying people to speak out and become aware of current events in order to put pressure on the government to act in a specific way. The notion gained traction in the 1990s, when CNN showed live video of United States military actions in different conflict-laden zones such as Iraq (1991), in Africa (Somalia) (1992), and in some parts of Europe (Bosnia) (1995), among other countries (Hossain, Wahab, & Khan, 2022). These broadcasts were considered as the media’s attempt to sway the opinion of the public on the foreign policy matters of the US government in different zones (Tari & Emamzadeh, 2018). The media successfully convinced the government to sanction a military intervention after several days of showing magnificent imagery that outraged the populace.

2.3 CNN’s Influence on Public Policy and Direction

The effect of CNN on Western foreign policy and the media’s power to affect politicians’ intentions are both instances of the idea of the fourth estate. As a consequence, Kim and Grabe (2022) highlight how politicians are forced to comment on issues they would otherwise avoid, or even dictate policy direction such as the recent direction on the COVID-19 issues including vaccination and foreign policy direction with China. Doucet (2018) have claimed that the guidelines were constructed on a shaky foundation since they were based on media pressure rather than a well-thought-out decision, and this is correct.

Doucet (2018) feels that the CNN effect has two characteristics: First and foremost, the news media is self-governing, with the authority to choose its own editorial agenda. Second, and probably most importantly, it includes the capacity to ask politicians questions and get replies. The first feature reveals that news organizations report objectively (Zhang & Luther, 2020). This is partly because journalists think they have a duty to help people when they report on stories of terrible suffering. The second criterion reveals that news companies provide impartial coverage of the news (Ameli & Shiralilou, 2019). As events develop, the media must become more aggressive, establish their own goals, and act more like enterprises propelled by events in general. Those watching television were horrified and bewildered in the wake of large-scale massacres, such as the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and other similar events. CNN largely covered these events with a clear goal of creating public attitude on guns and attempting to force policy makers to revisit gun laws in the United States (Bajri, Nurrohman, & Fakhri, 2019). This offered a chance for the news media to develop a narrative and bring attention to the issue based on their own opinions about what caused the tragedy, which they said included socioeconomic concerns, gun control laws, and cultural violence in the community. The CNN effect was evident in this situation as an attempt to dictate policy direction.

In the confines of media, the CNN effect refers to the concept that 24-hour news networks have an influence on political and economic climates in the places where they are aired (Doucet, 2018). When the media repeatedly covers the same event or problem, it has the ability to retain people’s attention for a lengthy period of time. As a consequence of all of the attention, market values of the enterprises and industries under the spotlight may fluctuate. As a consequence of the CNN effect, Ameli & Shiralilou (2019) individuals and organizations may react more passionately to the subject under investigated. Investors may sell bank stocks or withdraw assets from companies that have been singled out for inspection in light of recent media attention focused on troubles in the banking industry. As a result, the instability would deepen, perhaps leading to another round of media coverage and an even greater financial catastrophe.

2.4 Media Bias and Impact on the Public and Political Realms

Academics have studied how media sources impact people’s choices to buy items and make investments since the 1980s, when the “CNN effect” became widely known (Zhang & Luther, 2020). Consider the possibility that a focus on natural disasters would lead to more aggressive decision-making by consumers and investors. As a consequence, there may be a rush for basic supplies in the affected region, as well as a stock market sell-off of stocks of enterprises with ties to the area and its infrastructure. As a consequence, although media outlets may be seen negatively, they also give insight into how governments and companies function on the inside, which may lead to increased responsibility.

The CNN effect is largely concerned with how quickly cable news could transmit information and how events hundreds of miles away become more meaningful to individuals who would not have paid attention otherwise. Even those who were well-informed about current affairs before the arrival of cable news may find themselves a little behind the times (Bajri, Nurrohman, & Fakhri, 2019). A news story from Asia, for example, would take a long time to appear in the local newspaper. There were several reasons to assume that the situation had changed as a consequence of the column’s publication (Tari & Emamzadeh, 2018). This helped substantially to the avoidance of market panics caused by events in other countries. It was enhanced by the introduction of cable news, which supplied near-real-time images and a healthy dose of sensationalism to supplement this fast-paced coverage. Concerns about the likelihood for floods, the severity of power outages, and the effect on businesses in the area are likely to be addressed more quickly now that a typhoon is nearing Asia. Social media news, on the other hand, is much faster than conventional broadcast news. Because of the increased availability of real-time news from across the world, cable news networks are dedicating more time to the same social media platforms that the bulk of the public utilizes to stay up to date on current events (Ameli & Shiralilou, 2019). Instead of referring to the CNN effect as a result of a cable news network, it could be more accurate to call it the Twitter effect (Hossain, Wahab, & Khan, 2022). Since cord-cutting has become more common, most people’s main source of information is no longer television news.

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Discourse Analysis

Qualitative research, which encompasses methods such as interviews, focus groups, diaries, social media, and documents, is often concerned with what people have to say about a topic. In general, qualitative researchers attempt to get a better understanding of the world by observing how people interact with one another. However, paying attention to not just what people say, but also how they say it, may be quite illuminating in its own right. Similar to what has been described here, discourse analysis may be used to investigate qualitative data (Blommaert & Bulcaen, 2000). Although nonverbal communication is less common than verbal communication, it may be equally as intriguing as the latter since people’s facial expressions and hand gestures provide crucial context to what they are saying. When it comes to language, on the other hand, it is a dynamic component of society, and the meanings of words change with time (Bruun, Lindahl, & Linder, 2019). How people perceive terms like media influence, fake news, immigration policies, and freedom reveals much about the moment we live in as well as those who use them and have the capacity to affect our collective understanding of these topics.

Discourse analysis is a sort of qualitative study that examines how language is used and how people communicate with one another, as well as the events, processes, and behaviors that arise as a result of the meanings conveyed by the language. Through the use of data collected in the field, discourse analysis attempts to identify and categorize various meaning-making processes, networks, and behaviors (Bruun, Lindahl, & Linder, 2019). There are several ways to apply discourse analysis as an analytical approach, as well as many different places to begin with the method. Others, for example, place a high value on clear and accurate communication as well as the examination of interpersonal relationships. Other techniques demonstrate how significant intertextuality and the link between genre and discourse are in an interaction situation as well as in a broader historical or social context or process, as shown by the case study. Often, while doing a discourse analysis, it is necessary to combine small-scale studies of how language is used with larger-scale studies of how society functions as a whole to get the most accurate results (Bruun, Lindahl, & Linder, 2019). Critical discourse analysis places a strong focus on power and empowerment because it examines how meanings are created, modified, and negotiated from the perspective of those who wield authority and authority.

Considering how beneficial it is, discourse analysis was used in this research. Academics may use discourse analysis to examine an issue from a higher level of abstraction, which can help them understand why someone wrote something. When attempting to determine the true meaning of a spoken or written document, discourse analysis considers the document’s social and historical context (Jacobs & Tschötschel, 2019). When individuals understand how language works and how it may be utilized to effect good social change, they are more likely to be successful in their endeavors. At a higher level than a sentence or a phrase, discourse analysis examines the way language is put together as a whole. It examines larger chunks of language, such as conversations or written texts, to determine their meaning. Discourse analysis is also concerned with how individuals interact with one another in groups and how they comprehend what one another is saying (Mullet, 2018). Data collection in discourse analysis refers to the acquisition of texts and communications that have some connection with the issue under investigation. Materials that already exist, such as speeches delivered by the company’s CEO, press releases, internal memos, and advertisements, may be used. Additionally, by speaking with influential individuals, the researcher may uncover fresh facts.

3.2 Interviews

Discourse analysis may be accomplished via the use of a variety of methodologies. In study, the discourse approach is used, and it may be able to provide us with information on the perspectives and aims of various groups in society. CDA is a method of investigating how news gatekeepers, or elite members of the media, use discursive methods to further their own agendas and demonstrate control or influence in their news coverage of current events (Blommaert & Bulcaen, 2000). Elites are members of dominating groups who have exceptional privileges in terms of communication. How much they speak and communicate, as well as how much they can do, determines their level of authority. Using this scenario, CDA demonstrates what the intentions of news gatekeepers are when they produce news about various things and locations, and how they feel about the news that is given to different types of audiences.

Interviews are a more effective method of gathering information for CDA. When it comes to news reporting in contemporary countries, both the individuals who deliver the news and the people who hear it tend to disregard the underlying rhetorical methods that are incorporated into their words (Blommaert & Bulcaen, 2000). In order to make an impact, news editors and journalists must first alter the words and images that the public sees and hears on television and radio. This might result in accurate or inaccurate depictions of what is being place. For this CDA, participants were asked to participate in an interview.

3.3 Focus Groups

In order to better understand how the general public feels about CNN News broadcasts, three focus groups will be established: When doing qualitative research on television viewers, the triangulation of focus groups has shown to be an effective method of obtaining information about them. As a consequence, three distinct focus groups will be formed, each consisting of individuals from a diverse spectrum of sectors. The individuals who will participate will be carefully selected using a random selection procedure. Those who participated in the two focus groups represented a diverse range of backgrounds, including government employees, company representatives, teachers, college students, laborers, jobless individuals, and technical specialists such as physicians and attorneys. The two focus groups were divided into two subgroups for further discussion.

The variety of employment held by the women selected for the focus group will be taken into consideration while selecting the participants. The participants informed us what they did for a livelihood and what their positions were in the organization. Despite the fact that some of these job classifications were not professional in nature and did not always pay, the participants insisted on being referred to and classified as such by their colleagues. In addition to a housewife and a hairdresser, there were also a beauty queen, a company owner, a nurse, a defense attorney, an airline attendant, and a student among the applicants.

The males who will participate in the focus groups will be between the ages of 25 and 48. The persons who participate in the male focus groups will have the same mix of educational background and race as the people who participate in the women’s focus groups. A diverse group of individuals attended the meeting, including university professors, attorneys, teachers, and school administrators, as well as four persons who had dropped out of high school or college and four people who had graduated from college but had not found job. The men’s groups will be from various sections of the nation, so they will come from a variety of different locations to participate. Individuals that will be part of the mixed-gender focus group will be selected based on their age and the kind of work they undertake.

Prior to the discussion, each focus group will view a CNN News compilation that was filmed over the course of two work days and edited together. Commercials, sports, and the weather were edited out of each program, leaving just the news segments to be shown on television. Throughout the focus group interviews, there will be more than ten questions, all of which will be relevant to the topics that CNN editors were asked during the inquiry. Moderators will take the conversation ahead by urging participants to speak more and by taking into consideration each individual’s distinct point of view on the matter, among other things. According to the participants, the focus group sessions would take an average of 45 minutes and will be conducted solely in the English language.

4. Findings and Discussion

4.1 Findings from the Interviews and Focus Groups

4.1.1 Working Definition

Any significant political communication phenomena that has to be investigated in a systematic manner necessitates the development of a proper definition. However, researchers studying the CNN effect have relied on a variety of speculative hypotheses (Gilboa, 2005). Some proposals focus only on how policy influences humanitarian intervention decisions, while others propose a whole new way of thinking about foreign policy and global politics in the 21st century. On a wholesome perspective, the CNN effect refers to the belief that strong visuals on television, such as those depicting a humanitarian tragedy, cause politicians to intervene in circumstances when it would not be in the country’s best interests to do so otherwise (Bajri, Nurrohman, & Fakhri, 2019). CNN effect refers to how breaking news impacts foreign policy choices and how elite decision makers lose control of policy in the face of news media coverage of the event. People believe that the CNN effect demonstrates a clash between real-time television news and policymaking, with the news having a greater impact on policymaking.

4.1.2 Initial Participants’ Perception of CNN’s Values and Influence

The CNN effect has resulted in outcomes that are inconsistent, conflicting, and perplexing in academic and professional investigations. Those who participated in the poll were asked what they considered to be one of the most significant consequences of CNN’s breaking news coverage. They were also questioned about how information and updates on big topics such as the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak were presented. Participants believe that one potential advantage of global, real-time media is that it may enable individuals to make choices more quickly. People tend to make snap judgments, which may be dangerous. As per the research respondents, a major theme is that the policymaking community don’t have enough quiet time to consider choices, strike covert agreements, and mold the public’s perception of events and issues. Participants agreed, albeit not unanimously, that CNN’s method of reporting news made officials more inclined to take a stance on important issues. According to the findings, CNN reduces reaction time and expedites procedural action by presenting viewers with a problem and instructing them on the best method to address it. For example, the majority of those who took part in the survey expressed their appreciation for how promptly CNN reported the COVID-19 outbreak, what China was doing, and how the United States planned to react in terms of measures and remedies. The news outlet went on to attack the Trump administration’s delayed reaction time by examining what was happening in Italy, Japan, China, the United Kingdom, and other significant regional centers, among other places. Analysis and information collecting have become considerably less significant in the new world of global media, as shown by CNN’s efforts in this regard.

4.1.3 Perception on CNN’s Impact on Foreign Policy and Public Perception

Participants hold the view that CNN’s international and real-time news coverage has had an impact on the way the foreign policy bureaucracy operates, particularly intelligence agencies and desk officers in the foreign policy docket, and the network is often seen as a policy acceleration tool. Further, the participants observe that it is now necessary for intelligence services to

Coast Guard

Coast Guard

Amanda Hallman

Journal 4

3/28/18Coast guard

Coastguard is a sea security association of a specific nation. The term infers broadly to different obligations in various countries, from being a vigorously outfitted military power with traditions and security to being a volunteer association entrusted with an inquiry, protects works, and without any law requirement powers. Notwithstanding, a run of the mill drift watch’s capacities are unmistakable from the sequence of the mill elements of both the naval force an unadulterated military power and transportation police regular citizen law requirement office.

As of now, the Drift Watch works under the Branch of Country Security amid peacetime and under the Naval force amid wartime, or by unusual presidential request. Notwithstanding ensuring our country’s conduits, the around 40,000 dynamic obligation individuals from the (Michel, 2016) Drift Monitor perform pursuit and safeguard, law requirement and ecological cleanup tasks.

The Country Security and Crisis Administration Program (HSEM) program based on the current collection of information in-country security and crisis administration and also flow and creating research, with an accentuation on reducing the effects of calamities on our most helpless subjects. The program gets ready understudies for open and private area positions in the developing field.

The HSEM program utilizes an interdisciplinary approach, planning understudies with the learning, aptitudes, and capacities to use and organize the full scope of limit and assets to enhance results in a fiasco whether regular or human-caused. The program offers understudies’ information particular to various kinds and reasons for the debacle, lessons from past disasters, and both complete and risk particular practices that prompt viable aversion, alleviation, readiness, reaction and recuperation (Willoughby, 2016). This course gives devices and strategies to understudies who want to build their insight, aptitudes, and capacities in the security of essential foundation components. The course centers around the dominating framework areas, for example, water, vitality, SCADA, control, media communications, web and digital foundation.

The course gives a foundational point of view in the matter of how our present government crisis administration and drift protect developed on the qualities, capacities, and assets of its incorporated frameworks. This course furthermore centers on the standards and practices of country security and crisis administration at the neighborhood, state, and government levels (Obama, 2015). The investigation of Country Security and Crisis Administration gives the duties that might depend on a drift watch. Some of the benefits experienced include search and save, Enforcement of sea law, Safety of vessels, maintenance of seamarks, and border control.

Amid wartime, some national Drift Monitor associations may have a part as a maritime hold drive with obligations in harbor guards, port security, naval counter-insight and seaside watches. The Drift Protect may, shifting by purview, be a piece of a nation’s military, a law implementation organization, or pursuit and safeguard body. For instance, the Unified States Drift Protect is a military branch with a law requirement limit, while the Assembled Kingdom’s Her Superbness’ Coastguard (HMCG) is a regular citizen association whose exclusive part is to look and rescue (Willoughby, 2016). Most drift watches workboats and flying machine including helicopters and seaplanes that are either possessed or rented by the organization keeping in mind the end goal to satisfy their parts.

Some drift monitors, for example, the Irish Drift Watch, have just an exceptionally constrained law implementation part, ordinarily in upholding sea wellbeing law, for example, by investigating ships docked in their jurisdiction. In situations where the Drift Protect is principally worried about planning as opposed to executing salvage tasks. Regular citizen voluntary associations frequently give rafts. For example, the Illustrious National Raft Establishment in the Assembled Kingdom, while the nations’ military might give flying machine, for example, the pursuit and save Ocean Lords worked by the Regal Aviation based armed forces and Imperial Naval force, notwithstanding any of the HMG’s helicopters.


Michel, R. K. (2016). Impact of United States Coast Guard Regulations on United States Flag Registry.

Obama, B. (2015). Remarks by the President at the United States Coast Guard academy commencement. United States Coast Guard Academy.

Willoughby, M. (2016). The US Coast Guard in World War II. Naval Institute Press.

Coastguard is a sea retreat association of a definite nation.

Coast Guard

Journal 3

Amanda Hallman

Savannah State University

Coast Guard

Coastguard is a sea retreat association of a definite nation. The term assumes roughly to

different responsibilities in various nations, from being a dynamically prepared armed power with backgrounds and security to being unpaid assistant association assigned with an analysis, defends works, and without any law prerequisite powers (Michel,2016). The platform gets ready substitutes for open and reserved area positions in the emerging field. The HSEM program exploits an interdisciplinary tactic, planning alternates with the knowledge, skills, and dimensions to use and establish the full choice of bound and resources to enhance results in a humiliation whether systematic or human-caused.

The program offers understudies&#39; info particular to numerous kinds and aims for the disaster, lessons from past calamities, and both comprehensive and threat of a particular practices that swift viable hatred, improvement, willingness, response, and retrieval.

This course gives strategies and policies to understudies who want to shape their vision, abilities, and dimensions in the security of crucial basis mechanisms. The course focus around the directing agenda areas, for example, marine, energy, SCADA, regulator, broadcasting public services, network and numerical foundation (Michel,2016).

The course gives introductory point of interpretation in the problem of how our current administration crisis management and point protect advanced on the potentials, abilities, and properties of its combined contexts. This course moreover focuses on the morals and performs of nation security and emergency management at the region, national, and government levels. The exploration of Country Safety and Emergency Administration gives the responsibilities that might depend on a theme watch. Some of the assistances skilled include, pursuit and protect, Execution of sea law, Security of containers, upkeep of seamarks, and boundary control.

The sole purpose of HSEM is to ensure that the community is resilient and well prepared. It, therefore, serves as the starting point for preparedness, response, recovery, and education in an emergency or disaster. The coast guard in united states operates under the department of homeland security. Its role is that it ensures the law is reinforced at sea by providing that drugs interdicted in addition to protecting the interests of the United States in as far as fishing is concerned.

Additionally, it provides illegal immigration is maintained at a minimum in the sea. HSEM uses several tools to achieve this objective of law enforcement. The coast guard efficiently ensures that lives are saved at sea. Many lives are lost in the sea owing to illegal activities and lack of predefined laws to protect the people who depend on the sea. HSEM, therefore, serves as the primary response in case disaster strikes at sea. Effectively, many lives saved and future occurrences deterred by providing training and intervention programs.

Through effective training methods, the United States Coast Guard adequately ensures that all individuals at sea know about responding to a disaster. Disaster management is at the forefront of the tools that the department uses to mitigate any impending attacks. Secondly, the coast guard uses patrols to efficiently gain intelligence and prevent any imminent assaults of natural disasters. All the waters under the United States control are effectively under the umbrella of the Coastguard. By patrolling, the department prevents illegal activities which may be dangerous on the American people. Illicit goods intercepted at sea.

These goods if allowed into the country would be detrimental to the economy and may pose more significant health dangers since they do not undergo the prerequisite standards which ensure the safety of the people. In addition to preventing illegal smuggling, it also protects the resources of the United States. Water is a natural resource in conjunction with fish. Frequent patrolling of the sea waters prevents at most illegal activities which pose a danger to the fish. Illegal fishing activities are therefore reduced to a bare minimum by the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency management department.

Additionally, the coast guard uses the search and rescue tool to ensures patrols at sea are for the safety of the people. It possesses many ships and boats with the sole aim of carrying out constant searches and rescue operations in the coast and the sea. Under the emergency umbrella, individuals who work at the coast guard efficiently ensure that all the citizens who use the sea are comfortable and accounted. In case of any discrepancies, the coast guard takes the mantle of providing that its people are safe at any particular instance.

The Coast Guard has many laws, but I wanted to focus mainly on Law Enforcement

Detachments. Law Enforcement Detachments are specialized deployable maritime law

enforcement teams of the United States Coast Guard. It was established in 1982. The

primary mission is to deploy aboard the U.S and allied naval vessels to conduct and support

maritime law enforcement, interdiction or security operations. The coast guard officially

established the Law Enforcement Detachment program in 1982. In 1986, the public law specifically authorized the establishment of billets for active duty coast guard personnel to carry out drug interdiction operations from naval surfaces vessels provided by the department of defense.

The Posse Comitatus Act and department policy didn’t aloud department of defense personnel from directly engaging in law enforcement activities were tasked with operating abroad United States Navy ships to investigate contacts and conduct boarding’s by Coast Guard policy and directives. The Coast Guard designated the lead agency for the interdiction and apprehension of illegal drug traffickers on the high seas. To meet these statutory responsibilities, the Department of Defense began deploying surface assets to drug interdiction areas, making ships available for direct support of Coast Guard law enforcement operations.

In the 1990s the individual Law enforcement detachments were consolidated under three Tactical Law Enforcement Teams. The Tactical Law Enforcement team North based in Chesapeake, Virginia and the Tactical Law Enforcement Team Gulf based in New Orleans Louisiana. The Tactical Law Enforcement South based in Opa-Locka, Florida and lastly the Pacific Area, Tactical Law Enforcement Team, based in San Diego, California. In 2004, Tablet north was decommissioned and merged with Maritime Safety and Security Team to form a new counter-terrorism unit which was eventually named the Maritime Security Response Team.

From July 2007 to April 2013 the Tactical Law Enforcement and Law Enforcement Detachments were part of the Coast Guards Deployable Operations Group to organize the Coast Guards. Various deployable specialized force under a single command. In April 2013, the DOG disbanded, and the Tickets returned to control of the area commanders. The Law Enforcement Detachments currently consist of anywhere between six to eleven members and are usually commanded by Lieutenant. Personnel is trained in close quarters to combat vertical insertion techniques and container climbing.

Counterdrug operations are the LEDETs primary mission, although they also conduct other military indication mission types. The first joint U.S Coast Guard, U.S Navy airborne use of force interdiction, occurred on September 10th 2006 from the Tablet South and Detachment 1 from the United States Navy helicopter. This topic is essential in our daily activities and our future at significant because it deals with important parts of our lives.

Every Citizen is entitling to security hence this topic is making an alarm on how we can respond to national security threat. Coast Guard is always with Homeland Security because It is operating under Homeland Security. The only time the Coast Guard doesn’t deal with Homeland Security is when working as a service in the Navy. Hence it has maritime law enforcement missions with the jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters. Coast Guard is pretty cool because people don’t realize how much Coast Guard benefits our country and how much they help.

Things that The US Coast Guard will do in a day are things like, Conduct 109 search and rescue cases. Protect 2,791,841 in property, board 144 vessels, seize 169 pounds of marijuana and 306 pounds of cocaine worth 9,589,000 dollars, and respond to 20 oil hazardous chemical spills totaling 2,800 gallons and much more stuff that they have to do. I think this is a better job to be carried on to enhance better and tight security for more safety to our nation. That is many things that the Coast Guard has to deal with during a typical day. Those are essential things that have to get done to keep our country safe. The Coast Guard has set core values that they go through. It doesn’t matter if you’re active duty, reservists, auxiliaries or civilians.

The Coast Guard core values are Honor. Respect and Devotion to Duty. The United States Coast Guard played a hugely important role in the planning, response and recovery efforts of the government in three mission areas: search and rescue, marine pollution response, and the management of maritime commerce. This topic is essential for future holds since it offers safe rescue and faster response efforts. Over 5,600 Coast Guardsmen participated in the Coast Guard’s response efforts.


Michel, R. K. (2016). Impact of United States Coast Guard Regulations on United States Flag Registry.

US Coast Guard News, Coast Guard Pay and Fitness Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22,

2018, from, m&askid=7

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Co-Culture Group

Co-Culture Group Report AssignmentEnsure your group report:

Uses language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency. Virtually error-free.

Uses college-level word usage, spelling, grammar, punctuation

MLA source citation, in-text and works cited

Has common format for your individual sections!!! Headings/responses/font, etc —

while different people write each section, the look should be consistent across the entire document

Format of report:

Title/cover page with names of group members (1 page)

A summary (2-3 pages) where you address the communication “problem”. Provide a clear “opening” to your report and ensure you state a thesis!!

Answer the following:

Why is it important to study about co-cultures?

What potential communication problems/barriers exists between a co-culture and the dominate culture?

What co-culture did your group select? HOMELESS

Refer back to the “Setting the stage” Assignment, what was your group’s hypothesis concerning interviewees personal experience communicating with the larger culture around themes/aspects of his/her co-culture? Group hypothesis: What do your group member think the interviewees will report per communicating with the larger culture? Do you think they have had to hide their connection to the co-culture? Have they felt uncomfortable? Do you think they have assimilated or accommodated? What do you expect to uncover? They might’ve had to hide their co-culture because they’re afraid to reach out and ask for help because they want to save themselves from being embarrassed. They may have felt uncomfortable, even there are many people like them, there are people all around judging them. We believe they have gotten used to the way they live and have learned how to get through the day. We expect to uncover that each individual has their reasons and their own why’s as to the reason they are in the streets and are homeless. There are many adults on the streets for reasons we wouldn’t or couldn’t imagine.

Present RESEARCH on your co-culture – what did your group learn (prior to the interviews) about the co-culture. It’s up to your group to determine what important information to provide here. Use phrases like “According to such and such source” — ensure you provide quotations for direct quotes, and use in-text citations as well. This should NOT be opinion based – use RESEARCH

Give an overview of how you found people to interview

Interview section: First provide the questions your group prepared to ask individuals (1 page).

Individual group member sections:

Name of group member

Name and demographics about person you interviewed

Interview questions and answers from individual

Summary of your individual “take-aways” from your interview – what did you learn about the co-culture? Did the person report that they had to assimilate, accommodate, etc.

Conclusion (1-2 pages)

NOTE: This section should NOT be written just by one person— this section should be based on a GROUP discussion of your findings!

Provide a summary:

Was your group hypothesis correct? Did the individuals within your co-culture have communication challenges with the larger culture as your group expected? Why or why not?

What did you learn as a group about communicating with this co-culture?

What could society as a whole do to improve communication with this co-culture?

The “body” of the report should include college-level research, grammar, vocabulary with MLA in-text citation AND a MLA works cited sheet. REMEMBER, if you pull information directly from a source, you MUST put it in quotation marks.

Please see for reminders. If you are new to MLA format/citation, PLEASE take advantage of the writing lab at PAC:

Mythology. Egyptian and Babylonian mythologies

Mythology.Mythology refers to the study of the myths. A myth is a sacred story that explains how something came to be or is. The main features in myths are gods, supernatural beings or heroes. To a certain community to which the story belongs to, it is considered as a true account of what happened.

In this text will consider Egyptian and Babylonian mythologies that explain some of their gods. Isis was a goddess wife to Osiris and mother to Horus. She is a Queen of Goddesses and had a sun disc on her head and horns. She was considered a great magician and healer, got her powers from Ra (king of Gods represented by a falcon). She was worshipped as a great mother and wife. She was the friend of slaves, sinners and at the same time listened to the prayers of the wealthy and maidens. Osiris (husband to Isis father to Horus). He was god of the dead dressed in white with crook and flail and white crown. He was considered a judge in the afterlife but also the underworld agency of life responsible for sprouting and growth of vegetation and the fertile flooding of the Nile. He was often related to the nature of events such as flooding of the Nile and vegetation. Horus was the believed to be the son of Osiris and Isis, hawk, or a man with a hawk’s head crowned with the crown of all Egypt (Pinch, 2004). He was believed to be the god of the sun, war and protection. He was said to be the sky that included the sun and the moon. As a god of war and protection too he was considered a symbol of majesty and power as well as the model of the pharaohs. The Pharaohs were said to be Horus in human form. This belief in gods shows Egyptians believed that every aspect had one who was in charge of it. Their stories show the people based most of their things on the gods and depended on them for existence and leadership. The Babylonian Enuma Elish is a myth that explains the cycle of seasons. It describes the war between various gods who represented various seasons. It describes a series of vengeance cases that lead to the development of winter, summer and the other seasons. The Babylonians believed the different seasons were brought about by the chaos between gods. The Babylonians lived on the lower parts of Asia while Egyptians lived in the northern parts of Africa.

The myths stated above show revenge in the society in the case of Babylonians, while the Egyptians had both respect and each aspect were accounted for. They took deep pride in their gods and respected them.

Myth of Esfandyar is the short story about a prince Esfandyar son of the king Goshtasp, who was divine and won many battles for his nation. His father, the king, sent him on many missions all with the promise of giving his son the throne. The story shows betrayal and jealousy since the king wanted the death of his son in order not to take up the throne. Esfandyar is patient since he obeys and still does what his father says despite the constant breaking of his promise. Goshtasp on the other hand is jealous since he wants the persecution of his son in order to maintain his place as ruler. Rostam is an arrogant and ruthless ruler who refuses to listen to what he is told and has the desire to kill and does not care what the consequences will be. The myth gives an overview of the tension between fathers and sons(Fazekas,2005).

Pinch, G. (2004). Egyptian mythology: a guide to the gods, goddesses, and traditions of ancient Egypt. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fazekas, I. (2005). The alkalizing diet: your life is in the balance. Virginia Beach, Va.: A.R.E. Press.

Clinical mental health internship (2)

Clinical mental health internship

Internships are part and parcel of the learning program, and one can fully understand what is meant by being in the field for what they are studying for. I am taking Clinical mental health, and an internship comes along as an essential aspect of my career. Therefore, the internship focusing on what will be learned and its benefits will add to my job. Thus with this in mind St. Luke’s Behavioural Health center would be an appropriate place to have my internship. Intermountain Centers Flagstaff, AZ, would also be very reasonable for my internship.

The two centers focus on making sure that the mental health of their patients is well looked after. The two centers are also well known for their excellent quality care and the ability for interns to learn from them perfectly. The two centers are also strict in following all the states’ requirements about practicum and internship (Behavioral Consultation Services, n.d.). With the experience obtained from these two institutions, I hope to work with one of them in the future. However, even if not so, I will be one of the best in the field due to the experience I will get from the internship.


St. Luke’s Behavioral Health | Steward Family Hospital | Phoenix, AZ. (n.d.). Centers Flagstaff, AZ | Behavioral Consultation Services. (n.d.). Intermountain Centers. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from

Climate Change and Political Instability

Climate Change and Political Instability

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Number and Name

Instructor Name`

Due date

Climate Change and Political Instability

Climate change has so many effects, and one of these is political instability. Even though this is not entirely evident, it is very accurate, and it causes a lot of problems among people and governments as climate changes. According to research known as the landmark 2013 paper in the journal science published, in temperature of one standard deviation led to 2.3% interpersonal conflict and a 13.2% group conflict. These figures suggest something when it comes to politics and governments since they are made up of individuals.

The most important thing is that climate change leads to straining of government and social resources, and there comes a time when certain people have to look for ways to survive. When this happens, it becomes very difficult for governments to be stable since, due to climate change, there can be a lack of resources. Even the citizens may blame the government, leading to its downfall or ill relations with other governments. A good example is the Khmer Empire in Cambodia from the 9th to 15th centuries, which after around 600 years of existence, were brought down by climate change coupled with other factors. A prolonged drought hit the empire, which strained the kingdom, and in the search for solutions, problems arose, and it was difficult for the domain to continue.

Even though that can have been in the past, the present is not above climate change and its effects on governments and social institutions. Hundreds of thousands were displaced in California and Oregon after a storm in Lowa damaged more than 10 acres. This is just an example to explain how resources can be strained and lead to political instability. Therefore it is essential to be on the outlook and conserve the environment to prevent social unrest and political instability due to climate change.


How Climate Change May Be Contributing to Our Political Instability. (2020). Time.